Democrats Disagree, but Most 'Likely U.S. Voters' Favor Crackdown on Violent Protests & Protesters

Voters are ready for police to end the continued violence, as 47% of Unaffiliated Likely Voters think Police should Crack Down the protests

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — When asked which is closer to their own thinking, 50% of "Likely U.S. Voters" say that police should crack down on the violence and protests to bring them to an end, while 38% disagree and say the protests should be allowed to continue until the protesters decide to stop them, and 11% are undecided. Most also say the protests will be important to their vote in the upcoming elections.

There’s sharp partisan disagreement on this question though according to the new Rasmussen Reports National Telephone & Online Survey, with:
  • Just 31% of Democrats Agreeing, while
  • 47% of Unaffiliated Likely U.S. Voters indicate they think Police should Crack Down on the Protests,
  • 56% of Democrat Likely U.S. Voters say the protests should be Permitted to Continue until protesters want to end them, and
  • 75% of Republican Likely U.S. Voters think the police should Crack Down on the Protests & Protesters.
While the violent protests and rioters champion "Defunding the Police" and using that money for "Social" or "Community Outreach" programs:
  • 66% of Americans oppose "Defunding the Police" in the community where they live, and
  • 61% believe Violent Crime is likely to go up in those Communities that do "Defund the Police"
When it comes to the violent anti-police protests, most voters agree that President Trump sides with the police, while Democratic leaders side with the protesters.
  • 72% of all Likely U.S. Voters say they are concerned about the growing level of violent protest nationwide, with
  • 43% who are Very Concerned.
  • 62% say the growing level of Violent Protest is important to their vote in the next election,
  • including 35% who say it is a "Very important" voting issue.
Whites are more concerned than Blacks and other Minority Voters – but other minorities attach say they attach a level of importance to the violent protests when it comes impacting how they will vote:
  • 36% of Unaffiliated Voters rate the protests as "Very Important" to their upcoming vote, while
  • just 24% of Democrats say its "Very Important" to their upcoming vote, and
  • 49% of Republicans say its "Very Important" to their vote
The Rasmussen Poll also found that the older the voter, the more concerned they are about the protests and violence.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted August 10-11, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points, with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. (To see the Survey's Methodology, click here. To see the Survey Question Wording, click here.)

