Election Day: Let’s Do This Thing

Kurt Schlichter

This is history in the making, and it is an election people will be reading about in books for the next few centuries. Hopefully, they won’t be reading it in a chapter entitled “The End of America.” Over the last couple of weeks, I wrote columns on the Golden Age that would follow the election of Trump and the unspeakable nightmare that would follow the election of Kamala. That’s the reality, that’s the choice: triumph or tragedy. We are at a fork in the road. Civilizations have come to these forks as long as there have been civilizations, and eventually, every civilization takes the wrong one. We can only hope that America’s time is not yet up.

It goes without saying that we have to go all out to win this. If you can vote early and have not done so, do it today. Now. Don’t wait till tomorrow. Get it done. If you can only vote tomorrow, go vote early. Get it done, get it out of the way. Who knows what surprises lurk in the next few hours? Fire, flood, plague of frogs – nothing is off the table. We are in the Land of the Black Swans. 

The normality we boomers and Gen Xers grew up with is gone. Back in our prime, an election was not an existential event. I was with a buddy from college this weekend, and we agreed that we came of age at the pinnacle of America in the 80s and 90s. Back then, the future was bright. We didn’t dread it. We didn’t fear it. We were excited about it. But for the last 25 years or so, we have had nothing but crises – 9/11, Iraq, the Wall Street crash, COVID, and, of course, Donald Trump. But Donald Trump was not the phenomenon. The backlash against a failed elite was the phenomenon. He was just the face of it. If it weren’t Donald Trump, it would be someone else. He was the avatar of an exhausted America tired of the antics of its garbage ruling class and the arrogant aggregation of power by its members that coincided with their absolute refusal to be held accountable for their many, many failures. 

And the ruling class is fighting back in this election, claiming that any attempt to force those in power to respond to the needs of the people instead of the elite’s own priorities is an attack on Our Democracy. The ruling class has attempted to delegitimize dissent. It probably would’ve succeeded if a guy named Elon Musk had not come along and bought Twitter. Now, the regime media is losing the fight for control of the narrative. Whoever controls the narrative controls the culture and the government. The old political order stands to lose it tomorrow. Make no mistake, this is a consequential election. If Trump wins, this time he will be a force for real change. He’s been burned before. He wants retribution. And we want retribution. Trump is our avenger.

Conversely, Kamala represents the failed ruling class’s last grasp on power. Look at her argument. It’s not that she’s done a great job. It’s not that she’s helped America. It’s that Donald Trump, and by extension us, are fascist garbage. Joe Biden was just too senile not to remember not to say it out loud. She represents the party of the people who think it’s OK to go to someone’s house and take their beloved pets and murder them simply because they can. If you think Peanut the Squirrel and Fred the Raccoon are one-offs, you are in denial. They killed Ashley Babbitt because they could. They imprisoned their political opponents because they could. The censored Hunter’s laptop because they could. They locked old people in Covid-ridden nursing homes because they could. If they got their wish and disarmed you, what do you think they would do to you? 

You’re right to be worried about tomorrow. You’re right to be scared. But there is nothing wrong with fear. Without fear, there could not be courage. Courage is the willingness to act in the face of fear, and that’s what we need to keep doing. We need to keep standing up for our liberty. We need to keep standing up for our Constitution. We need to keep standing up for our country. 

We need courage. Our enemies want us disarmed, disenfranchised, and/or dead. I said something similar in another column not long ago, and someone on Twitter explained that I am a white male right-wing lunatic. This person was batting .750, but this person did not take up my invitation to explain how I was wrong. Nor did this person agree that wanting us disarmed, disenfranchised, and/or dead was a bad thing. I suspect this person doesn’t think so. I suspect this is one of those cases where they deny that it’s happening, then claim that it’s not happening that much, then claim that it’s a good thing that it’s happening, and finally claim that us noticing that it’s happening is the real problem. Everything is gaslighting. Everything is a lie. Everything is a scam with these people. They truly hate us.

Tomorrow is a chance to chart a new course. It is a chance to remove them from power peacefully. Let’s not pretend that we’re going to solve all our problems with this election, no matter how well we do. Let’s not pretend that the left is just going to give up. Let’s not pretend that the enemies of freedom and liberty are going to be crushed in perpetuity. That doesn’t happen. The fight for freedom never ends because there are always new enemies of freedom. Only their names, uniforms, and pronouns change. 

But they all want the same thing: unlimited and arbitrary power over us. These are the people who think it’s OK to murder your pet squirrel simply because they can. The horror of the cruelty of killing a beloved and innocent little animal aside, this illustrates what the real stakes are. On Tuesday, we decide whether we are going to rule ourselves or submit ourselves to the authority of people who take pleasure in hurting those they feel inferior via the exercise of their authority – and we are those inferiors. That is the lesson. Learn it, know it, live it. Don’t let Peanut die in vain.

What do I think will happen? Will Trump and the GOP win? I’m an optimist. I grew up in sunny California in the 70s and 80s, where every year things got better and you never imagined limits on your freedom. I think we’re going to win. I think the fundamentals are with us – Kamala is an idiot and her administration has been terrible. I think the fun is with us – from the shift at Mickey D’s to rolling up in the garbage truck, Trump is really the one who is brat. I think the polls are with us – they essentially show a tie, and Trump is always under-polled. Finally, I think the people I have talked to who are deep inside the game believe we are winning. 

But mostly, I can’t imagine losing to these people. They are cruel and petty and stupid and evil, and I still believe that good triumphs over evil. Maybe that’s the California kid of the 70s and 80s in me. I can’t imagine or accept the possibility of defeat. We will see. Maybe we lose this battle, but if we do then we fight on. The war for freedom will never end, not while we still draw breath. We will never be serfs. Live free or die.

God bless America. Get out there and vote.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republiseries of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel about terrorism in America, The Attack!
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