By Libby Emmons
As Joe Biden transitions to president of the United States, his plans for what to do with the populace that simply won’t comply with pandemic-inspired restrictions are becoming painfully clear. He will demand that local governments enforce these mandates and try to force Americans to obey his orders.

These "Socialist-Democrat" opportunists want Americans to be so beholden to government involvement in our lives that we cannot even fathom living another way. There is simply no crisis, however, wherein the federal government has the authority to dictate to the populace that they need to give up their livelihoods, friends, and family, and turn wholesale to the government for all their needs.
Our electeds simply don’t have the right to treat the populace this way.
And, Americans should not stand for it – not even a little.
The more boxed in we become, the easier it will be to control us.
- The pandemic-inspired restrictions resulted in job losses when businesses were ordered to close and sent their employees home.
- Those businesses then had to rely on funding from the government to sustain their inoperable businesses without revenue.
- Previously employed people were now idling at home, also requiring government funding to pay their way.

Biden’s new coronavirus adviser, Dr. Michael Osterholm, has said he advocates for a national, four-to-six-week lockdown across the United States, going so far as to tout the efficacy of those severe restrictions as implemented in Australia and New Zealand.
This would mean more closures, more people out of work, and more reliance on government.
If people can’t work, they are left to rely on government funding, yet what funds the government but the tax dollars of working Americans?
Biden has promised massive wealth redistribution, but what wealth will be redistributed when people can’t earn a living? If Biden bans Americans from making money in the first place, there won’t be any wealth to redistribute.
Biden is repeating what President Barack Obama was so keen on during his administration: making government not just the safety net, but the first stop.
We saw it during that era with the horrid “Julia” ad about the woman who is entirely alone except for her baby, which she ends up with despite no man in her life. The thrust of the ad was that at every stage of Julia’s life, the government would be there to take care of and provide for her. There was no one else in the ad but Julia and the government, her relationship with which was the most important in her life.
Such will be true for all of us if Biden and his authoritarian associates have their way.
- Without work, we will gain our income from the government, which will inevitably lead to no income at all.
- Without being allowed to leave our homes to see friends and family, we will have no community nor the ability to form one.
- When we worship or socialize online, we will keep doing so under the watchful eyes of tech companies, meaning we lose the privacy we enjoy in personal relationships.

Americans must refuse to comply with lockdown measures. The leaders claim they are imposing them for our own good, but we know what is in our own best interests: to live freely in accordance with our natural rights.
We were not created to rely on the government to provide for us their manna from the White House, but to form our own communities and to rely on friends, family, church, and to have others rely on us.
If government gives us everything, from where does it ultimately come? And what do we have to give?
Libby Emmons is a Senior Contributor to The Federalist and Senior Editor for The Post Millennial. She is a writer and mother in Brooklyn, NY. Follow her on Twitter @libbyemmons.