By Lora Ries
The endless riots, destruction and lawlessness are not saving Black lives. They are destroying lives. They are destroying businesses. They are ripping apart the entire social fabric of America.
The Democrat's political leadership in Portland and elsewhere has been profoundly lacking – and in some cases, its flat out perverse. Portland has suffered through more than 80 consecutive nights of violent riots and lawlessness.

Enough is enough.
More unrest is not what most Americans want. We vastly prefer to be safe.
Assuring public safety should be job #1 for any mayor, governor or president – yet all too often today, we see cities wracked by riots go the other way:
- "Defunding Police" and Cutting Police Budgets
- Ordering Police to Stand Down in the face of Criminal behavior
- Obstructing cooperation among State, Local & Federal Law Enforcement — and even
- Barring Police from showing Riot Video to the American people.
Opposition to defunding the police jumped to 79% in the most recent poll conducted in four “battleground” states by Heritage Action for America.
President Trump’s response to the violence is far more in keeping with what the majority of Americans want. When rioters attacked federal officers and the federal courthouse in Portland, he sent additional federal police to protect them — an action perversely labeled as provocation by both Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown.
Joe Biden has tried to straddle the issue. He acknowledged that the federal government has “the right and the duty to protect federal property,” but then accused Trump of using “egregious tactics” and “brutally attacking peaceful protesters” in an attempt to “sow chaos and division.”
But the federal officers weren’t dealing with peaceful protest. They were dealing with violent, premeditated attacks. It is the attackers, their organizers and their supporters who seek to sow chaos and division. They will continue to do so until law and order is restored. Rep. Pressley has stated as much.

It’s a far cry from what she wrote in her 2009 book, "Smart on Crime": “Virtually all law-abiding citizens feel safer when they see officers walking a beat … This is as true in economically poor areas as in wealthy ones.”
Adding officers does prevent crime. One need look no further than Portland.
When state police finally joined federal officers near the federal courthouse, the attacks ceased. Unfortunately, the organizers directed the rioters to a different target: Portland Police Precinct Buildings.
To rid Portland of the riots completely, the rioters must be prosecuted for the State & Federal crimes they are committing. Sadly, rogue prosecutors are refusing to prosecute rioters and looters in multiple cities across the country, including Portland.
This dereliction of duty enables rioters to be released from jail – and return to the streets to commit more violence the next night. Indeed, it only emboldens them.
A decade ago, kAMALA Harris understood the problem with such lenient policies. In her 2009 book she wrote, “Make no mistake, any effort to excuse or ignore criminal behavior leads to more criminal behavior.”
This June, however, after protests turned to looting and violence in Minneapolis, Harris asked her Twitter followers to send money to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out the rioters. The organization subsequently received $35 million and used it to bail out violent criminals, including a suspect who shot at police and a twice-convicted sex offender.
Greg Lewin, interim director of the fund, defended these actions by saying, “I often don’t even look at a charge when I bail someone out. I will see it after I pay the bill because it is not the point. The point is the system we are fighting.”
Such radicals have a callous disregard for human life – while they pursue their elusive goal of “fighting the system.”
Leniency toward rioting, looting and violence ensures that such activity continues, spreads and escalates. Americans want the opposite – safety, open businesses and thriving communities. That requires political leadership dedicated to protecting citizens, prosecuting criminals and telling the truth.

Enough is enough.
Lora Ries is the Senior Research Fellow for Homeland Security at The Heritage Foundation.