ERINAKES: There's Now Even More Shenanigans in Special Election Race for Texas House District 2

Beware of the elites' messaging that's purchased with out of town or out of district dollars

By David Erinakes

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — Well, the fight between the out-of-district "Monied Elites" and the voters in the House District 2 Special Election Race in East Texas is heating up. The elitiest Hunt County Candidate in the race has apparently deceived more politicians about his "Never Trumper" status – as well as his attacks on Governor Greg Abbott that refer to the governor as "spineless."

He has gotten endorsements from State Senator Bob Hall and Texas Ag Commissioner Sid Miller. Both are strong Pro-Trump supporters, who I think would have never embarrass themselves or President Trump by their endorsements – if they knew the truth.

So how did these endoresments come about?
It’s seems it may be due to heavy funding from out-of-area elitists who supported the disgraced, and-now-removed former State Representative Brian Slaton – as well as from one specific Ken Paxton staffer, Michelle Smith (right,) who's working as a behind the scenes Campaign Operative.

Seems she calls everyone who can’t be controlled by the out-of-district major donors a... you guessed it, "RINO." (And since she refers to her boss Ken Paxton in the Instagram post to the right, isn't this a little too political for someone on the state payroll?

Let’s first look at some of the donor and funding information that's recently been disclosed from the public filings of the controversial and anti-Semite-linked Defend Texas Liberty PAC:
  And then, as a result of the controversial group's recent and well-covered meetings with avowed anti-Semite Nick Fuentes, here's what Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick recently said of the group's trying to infiltrate and influence Texas Republican political races – which now includes selling the voters of HD 2 a bill of goods:
“Recently, I condemned Nick Fuentes – an avowed anti-Semite – when I learned he had met with the president of the Defend Texas Liberty PAC (DTL)... I have also learned there are other so-called Republicans who share these hateful beliefs and are trying to spread their anti-Semitic views within the GOP.
“Let me put this as clearly as I can – if you are anti-Semitic, if you admire Hitler and don’t believe the Holocaust happened in Europe, and if you hate Jews, you are NOT a Republican and you are not welcome in our party," said Patrick.

Seems the same group that is hosting NEO-Nazis also gave the Hunt County Candidate a generous $32,000 contribution.
  • Has that seemingly controversial contribution been publicaly exposed to his elected official endorsers – or to the voters of House Dist. 2?
  • Do they still support him considering the amount of anti-Trump rhetoric coming from him and these groups, which everyone respectable seems to repudiate?
Well, it seems that some of our great Texas leaders and organizations have had enough.

Former Governor Rick Perry (right,) and the most respected Pro-Life organization in Texas, the Texas Alliance for Life, are fighting back.                        

According to Texas Alliance for Life:
The elitest Hunt County Candidate Attacks Conservative Leaders – and Undermines Conservative Values
  • Attacked Gov. Abbott as “spineless.” The same Gov. Abbott who boldly shut down the abortion industry in Texas.
  • He is also backed by a group recently caught meeting with a prominent Neo-Nazi who called for the destruction of the GOP.
  • Don’t Let him Destroy Texas
The question will be whether Attorney General Ken Paxton dismisses this staffer (Smith,) for deceiving him – as clearly he is in the Pro-Trump camp – or if he and others like Senator Ted Cruz will immediately withdraw their endorsements.

I have learned Sen. Cruz has been given this information from some upset and concerned Texas Congressmen.
  Time will tell if the out-of-district Elites and their money can buy seats through deceit, or if the people in Texas House District 2 win.

David Erinakes formerly worked in the Texas Legislature, and is currently Chief Executive Officer of The E Development Companies.


