By Cong. John R. Carter TX-31
January Constituent Services Report
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – One of the most important things I do as your U.S. Representative is assist constituents with issues involving a federal agency. Last month, my office assisted 316 TX-31 families and individuals with issues like securing veterans' benefits, expediating a passport for emergency travel, immigration services, and problems with the U.S. Postal Service.
As a result of these efforts, over $44,000 was returned to TX-31 constituents.
Remember, my office is happy to assist when you have an issue with a federal agency. To learn more about the casework process, click here.
Protecting Apprenticeship Opportunities
The House voted on H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 last week. Apprenticeships help many American workers achieve success in high-paying careers without the burden of student loans, which is why it is so important we expand these opportunities. However, the National Apprenticeship Act that the House passed on Friday removes authority for the Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Program, stifling apprenticeship opportunities for workers by cutting out participation by small business, unions, education institutions, and industry.
In a time when the economy is vulnerable from the pandemic, Americans need work training opportunities, but this bill instead, imposes burdensome regulation requirements on apprenticeship programs, and keeps outside innovators from participating.
Our apprenticeship programs should reflect the needs of our economy, industry, and workforce – not the desires of the federal government. I do think that both sides can agree on the importance of apprenticeships, but this bill missed the mark, and as a huge proponent of career and technical education and apprenticeship opportunities, I hope my colleagues and I can work together to develop stronger legislation that expands opportunity instead of stifling it.
Honoring Capitol Police
On January 6th, Capitol police officers and other law enforcement officials risked their lives for the security of all of those within the Capitol. Their quick reaction, bravery, and commitment saved lives. I have cosponsored H.Res. 39, legislation that honors law enforcement officers’ heroic actions and selfless service on that day.
The work these officers did to protect the Capitol, staff and members against a violent mob was immensely brave, and this legislation serves to honor those valiant efforts.
Reminder on Vaccination Information
As a reminder, both Williamson and Bell counties are vaccination hubs.
- For more information on Williamson County vaccinations and how to register, click HERE.
- To monitor the status of appointments and general vaccine information for Bell County, click HERE.
- To find additional vaccination locations, click here.
Last week, I asked you about President Biden's executive order halting the Keystone Pipeline, and over 64% of you disagreed with that executive action. This week, I want to hear

Congressman John R. Carter represents Texas' 31st Congressional District, which includes Central Texas' Williamson and Bell Counties. Carter sits on the Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, and he is the ranking member on the Appropriations Military Construction & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee.