These funds will allow researchers at Baylor’s MTAC to acquire an X-ray diffraction system and a Flash Thermographer testing system.
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – "This will support research not only at Baylor University, but will also provide for engagement with the local educational research and industrial partnerships,” said Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-17,) announcing that the Materials Equipment Infrastructure Expansion for Baylor University's Materials Science & Engineering Program received federal funding under the Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024.
Congressman Sessions was the sponsor of this Congressional Community Project.

These materials will enhance research to inspect a variety of cutting-edge material structures impacting the aerospace, automotive, boating, and other high technology fields.
“As the lead sponsor in the House of Representatives, I am proud to have played a pivotal role in achieving funding to improve the scientific endeavors of Baylor University.
"These funds will allow researchers at Baylor’s MTAC to acquire an X-ray diffraction system and a Flash Thermographer testing system," Sessions said.
"These funds will allow researchers at Baylor’s MTAC to acquire an X-ray diffraction system and a Flash Thermographer testing system," Sessions said.
“We appreciate the hard work of Congressman Sessions and his staff in supporting the impactful research being conducted at Baylor University as a Research 1 institution,” said Provost Nancy Brickhouse, Ph.D.
“The field of materials science is advancing exponentially, and it is important for our state and country to remain at the forefront,” Brickhouse said.