Former Texas Senator Bob Duncan Endorses Winegarner

“Senator Duncan’s endorsement highlights the most important thing in this election: Electing a conservative from here who knows the issues that are critical to the people of our district.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Former Texas Senator and former chancellor of the Texas Tech University System, Bob Duncan, endorsed Josh Winegarner as the next member of Congress from Texas’ 13th District. The District covers the Panhandle, Texoma, and North Texas. Duncan's endorsement follows on the heels of an endorsement by U.S. Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) earlier this week. The GOP Runoff for Congress will be July 14th.

Duncan served in the Texas Senate from 1996 until 2014. From 2014-2018 he served as Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System.
“In response to this pandemic, far-reaching new policies will be passed in Washington that will impact Texas for decades to come,’ said Duncan. “I represented part of the 13th District in the Texas Senate, and I am confident that Josh understands the unique needs of these communities and will fight for the people of his district. Josh Winegarner is the voice we need in Washington, and I am proud to endorse him for Congress.”

Winegarner finished on top in the March Republican primary with nearly 40% of the vote and a lead of nearly 20 percentage points over his closest rival. Fifteen candidates vied for the position and now two are preparing for the July 14th Runoff.
“Senator Duncan’s endorsement highlights the most important thing in this election: Electing a conservative from here who knows the issues that are critical to the people of our district,” said Winegarner. “To serve people here, you must know issues like agriculture, energy, rural hospitals and rural schools. I know those issues.”

Winegarner was born and raised in the Panhandle and is an expert on agriculture, trade, tax, and small business issues. He is a conservative Republican who worked for Senator Gramm as well as Senator John Cornyn advising them on key issues like agriculture and small business.
“People who have spent their lives their lives in Washington and other big cities don't understand our values, our culture and the impact we have on the rest of the country. Someone must explain to urban legislators like Nancy Pelosi how that food in her expensive refrigerator got there,” said Winegarner. “Without food and energy, America has even bigger problems than COVID-19.”

