Gov. Abbott Boosts Support at 'Parent Empowerment & Education Freedom Day' in Austin

"I have heard so many parents and teachers across Texas raise concerns about what is being taught in classrooms today. Our schools are for education, not indoctrination."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Governor Greg Abbott yesterday outlined his priority to secure education freedom for all Texans at "Parent Empowerment Day at the Texas Capitol" in Austin. Addressing a crowd of parents, teachers, students, legislators, and other parent empowerment advocates from the Capitol's north steps, the Governor encouraged all Texans to voice their support for parent empowerment and expanding education freedom across Texas to their local legislators.

"I went to public schools, and I would not have had it any other way," said Governor Abbott.

"However, I have heard so many parents and teachers across Texas raise concerns about what is being taught in classrooms today. Our schools are for education, not indoctrination. The solution to this problem is empowering parents to choose the school that's right for their child, and that's what we will pass this legislative session in Austin.

"It takes five minutes of your time: Call your state senator, call your state representative, and let them know you support school choice in the state of Texas."

While speaking at Parent Empowerment Day, Governor Abbott noted that Texas' per-student funding is at an all-time high – and that no other governor has authorized more funding for public schools in state history.

The Governor emphasized that more money does not always solve problems that parents face in their child's education and detailed his plan to expand school choice options through state-funded Education Savings Accounts to every Texas student.

Abbott also pointed out that a majority of urban, suburban, and rural Texans are in favor of increasing a parent's right to make important decisions in their child's education, including having access to school curriculum, school libraries, and material being taught in the classroom. 
  The Governor was joined at Parent Empowerment Day by State Senators Paul Bettencourt, Mayes Middleton, and Kevin Sparks; as well as by State Representatives James Frank, Brian Harrison, and Steve Toth. Texas Public Policy Foundation Campaign Director Mandy Drogin; San Jacinto Christian Academy Superintendent Roxanne Cheek; and other state and legislative leaders.
In his 2023 State of the State address, Abbott announced education freedom for all Texans as an emergency item for the 88th Legislative Session.


