Governor Abbott, HHSC Announce $54 Million To Support Older Texans During COVID-19 Pandemic

"Older Texans and Texans with disabilities face a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19, and they need continued support during these trying times,”  -- Governor Greg Abbott.

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will receive nearly $54 million in federal funds to support older Texans and people with disabilities during the COVID-19 response. The funding will be used to support programs and services administered by the state’s 28 Area Agencies on Aging such as home delivered meals, help with household chores, assistance with groceries, and respite care or other services for family caregivers.
"Older Texans and Texans with disabilities face a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19, and they need continued support during these trying times,” said Governor Abbott. “These federal funds will help provide higher risk Texans with additional support and resources to meet their everyday needs while allowing them to stay at home and stay safe. I thank the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for providing Texas with this crucial financial support so that we can continue to serve our fellow Texans."

"With Governor Abbott’s continued leadership, we’re committed to supporting and assisting the state’s most vulnerable population during the difficult time," said HHS Executive Commissioner Phil Wilson

Funding will also be used to support the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, which provides advocacy and complaint resolution services on behalf of residents in long-term care facilities.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living awarded Texas nearly $54 million in funds through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic (CARES) Act recently signed into law by President Trump.

For more information on the state’s Area Agencies on Aging, visit the HHS website.

