Governor Abbott, HHSC Announce Medicaid, CHIP Postpartum Coverage Extension To 12 Months

“This past regular legislative session, I was proud to sign a crucial bipartisan law that extends postpartum coverage for Texas mothers from two to 12 months."
Governor Greg Abbott

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) today announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved Texas’ request to extend Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage from two to 12 months after pregnancy.

“This past regular legislative session, I was proud to sign a crucial bipartisan law that extends postpartum coverage for Texas mothers from two to 12 months,” said Governor Abbott. “With Texas’ application approved by CMS, this postpartum extension will help Texas mothers receive high-quality healthcare across our great state. I thank the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Senator Lois Kolkhorst, and Representative Toni Rose for their work to ensure this critical postpartum extension is available to new mothers in need across Texas.”

“I thank Governor Abbott and the Texas Legislature for standing by our families,”
said HHS Executive Commissioner Cecile Erwin Young. “Twelve months of postpartum coverage will help mothers across this state gain access to high-quality healthcare.”

Last year, Governor Abbott signed House Bill 12 into law, which extended Medicaid and CHIP postpartum coverage from two to 12 months. The law will take effect on March 1, 2024. Under the state plan amendments, anyone enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP who is pregnant or becomes pregnant will be automatically enrolled for 12 months of postpartum coverage. Services covered by Medicaid and CHIP include prenatal doctor visits, prenatal vitamins, labor and delivery, and postpartum checkups.

Coverage will be automatically reinstated for individuals who are not current Medicaid or CHIP recipients, but who were enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP in Texas while pregnant and are still within their 12-month postpartum period, as long as they are still residents of Texas. Their coverage will be reinstated for the remainder of their 12-month postpartum period.

Women who are enrolled in Healthy Texas Women who are still within their 12-month postpartum period will be transitioned back to full-coverage Medicaid or CHIP for the remainder of their 12-month postpartum period.

Texas projects approximately 137,000 women will benefit from 12-months postpartum coverage in fiscal year 2025. To apply for Medicaid or CHIP, call 2-1-1 and choose Option 2 or visit
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