Gov. Abbott Builds School Choice, Education Freedom Momentum at Texas Capitol

Working together, we will deliver school choice and a brighter future for every child across Texas.”
Governor Greg Abbott

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Governor Greg Abbott encouraged Texans to contact their legislators, to voice their support for parent empowerment. and expand education freedom across the state at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s (TPPF) "Parent Empowerment Rally" held Monday at the Texas Capitol in Austin.
“I am here to tell you – contrary to what you may be reading in the newspaper, we are closer than we’ve ever been on a deal that will deliver school choice for you, your families, and all Texans,”
said Gov. Abbott.

“The time for school choice in the great state of Texas is now. As I’ve traveled across the state, I've talked to so many parents – and one thing I repeatedly hear in every location I’ve been is that parents know what's best for their child.

"Working together, we will deliver school choice and a brighter future for every child across Texas,” Abbott said.
In a packed auditorium with over 275 parents, students, and school choice advocates, Governor Abbott outlined his ongoing efforts to expand education freedom and state-funded Education Savings Accounts to every Texas student, noting that a majority of rural, urban, and suburban Texans support increasing parental rights in their child’s education.

Additionally, the Governor again called on lawmakers to carry school choice across the finish line, highlighting the critical need to pass legislation that empowers parents to be the primary decisionmakers in their child’s education.
The Governor was joined by TPPF Campaign Director Mandy Drogin, elected officials, and other parent empowerment advocates. Hosted by TPPF, the series of year-long Parent Empowerment Rallies heold across Texas have brought together parents, students, and parent empowerment advocates to discuss the pathway for expanding parental rights in education in Texas.
In his 2023 State of the State Address, Governor Abbott announced education freedom for all Texans as an emergency item for the 88th Legislative Session.

In June, Governor Abbott signed into law four critical pieces of parent empowerment legislation passed during the 88th Regular Legislative Session.


