ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Joins U.S. Hispanic Business Council Town Hall in Laredo, Texas

“My number one priority in office is jobs. It is laser-focused on jobs, jobs, jobs, for a real simple reason: it is the top priority for Texans."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas In case you missed it, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) participated in a town hall in Laredo, Texas, on Sunday, February 25. The conversation was moderated by USHBC President and CEO, Javier Palomarez. Sen. Cruz was joined by Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina (D) and Laredo Mayor Dr. Victor Trevino (D) as panelists. 

The panelists answered questions on the economy, energy, international trade, immigration policies, infrastructure, human trafficking, and drug smuggling, among others.

Key Quotes:
Sen. Cruz said, “My number one priority in office is jobs. It is laser-focused on jobs, jobs, jobs, for a real simple reason: it is the top priority for Texans. And that's true in South Texas, the Panhandle, East Texas, and West Texas. Texas wants jobs, we want more opportunities, and we want better opportunities for our kids and our grandkids.

"What we understand in Texas is that if we want jobs the answer isn't a giant building full of government regulators. The answer is small business. The answer is entrepreneurship." 

"What we have seen in Texas is that if you have low, predictable taxes, reasonable regulations, and you get out of the way of small businesses, it creates jobs and opportunity. We need a lot more of what we have in Texas and a lot less of what we have in Washington." 

Javier Palomarez, USHBC President & CEO, "All of you have collaborated with our mutual friend Congressman Henry Cuellar. You have all played an important role in expanding these points of entry, which are critical to the American economy."

Tano Tijerina, Webb County Judge, "We are one of the safest cities in the United States of America. One of the safest towns and counties. And why is that? Because we have people like our Senator, governor, sheriff, constables, and PD department."

Read more here:
  Watch more here
  • KGNS: Senator Cruz holds townhall meeting in Laredo


