In Trump Economy Minorities Make Up Majority of 25-to-54 Age New Hires Washington Post Analysis Says

Under President Donald Trump for first time ever most new hires of prime working age are now people of color

WASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report) American minorities have made historic employment gains since President Donald Trump was elected 86 of the 5.2 million new jobs added since the end of 2016 have been filled by minorities creating 4.5 million new paychecks according to a new Washington Post analysis.

For instance according to the Washington Posts analysis of data collected by the Labor Department since the beginning of the 1970s:

  • The surge of minority women getting jobs pushed the U.S. workforce across a historic threshold.
  • For the first time a majority of new hires in the prime working age group from 25-to-54 are now people of color.
  • Black unemployment hit a record low in August spurred by an uptick in employment for black women.
  • Latino women said their families have begun encouraging them to enter the workforce a cultural shift from a more home-focused role for women.
  • And the percentage of American now participating in the Labor Force increased to 63.2 in August.

The unemployment rate for black workers fell from 6 in July to 5.5 in August numbers surpass the record low set in May 2018 of 5.9 for black unemployment. 

The analysis revealed that American minorities comprise more than 86 of jobs added since the end of 2016. 5.2 million more Americans have obtained jobs since 2016 and 4.5 million of that group are minorities The Washington Post reported.


Minority hires overtook white hires last year and have continued to find jobs with President Donald Trump in office.

Minority women began to pour into the labor market in 2015 and they have begun to reshape the demographics of the U.S. workforce especially because many white baby boomers have been retiring.

Overall women are predominantly driving this trend which is so powerful that even many women who werent thinking about working because they were in school caring for kids or at home for other reasons are being lured into employment according to The Posts.


There are 5.2 million more people in the United States with jobs than at the end of 2016 and 4.5 million of them are minorities according to The Posts analysis of Labor Department data.


Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that unemployment has remained at 3.7 for the past three months.

Economists say the consistent unemployment rate indicates workers are jumping back into the workforce to fill open jobs rather than collecting unemployment welfare according to The Wall Street Journal.

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