Is Biden's COVID Loan Forgiveness Program Racist? It Excludes White Farmers

Group of white farmers sue over aid programs that are “solely due to their race” and exclude white people

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — A group of farmers from Minnesota, Ohio, South Dakota & Wisconsin are suing the Biden Administration's Secretary of Agriculture because they can’t participate in a COVID-19 Loan Forgiveness Program based upon the color of their skin. White farmers aren't eligible, which – the farmers say – amounts to a violation of their Constitutional Rights.

A section of President Biden's "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021" says the Loan Forgiveness Program:
“Pays up to 120% of direct or guaranteed farm loan balances for producers who are Black, American Indian or Alaskan native, Hispanic or Latino, and Asian American or Pacific Islander.”

Clearly, says the group of farmers from multiple midwestern states, white farmers and producers don't qualify – and are being discrimated against.

Said Adam Faust (right,) a Wisconsin dairy farmer and double amputee:
“It was just out and out racist, and I really don’t think there should be racism allowed in the federal government at any level!”

Faust told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently:
"There should absolutely be no federal dollars going anywhere just based on race.

"The economic impact from COVID-19 didn't hurt any race more than another as far as agriculture goes."

According to the Biden Administration's U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) website, the race-based programs are in response to the COVID-19 CoronaVirus.

The website explains the the administration's reasoning behind the race-based program by stating:
“The USDA recognizes that socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers have faced systemic discrimination with cumulative effects that have, among other consequences, led to a substantial loss in the number of socially disadvantaged producers, reduced the amount of farmland they control, and contributed to a cycle of debt that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"During the pandemic, socially disadvantaged communities saw a disproportionate amount of COVID-19 infection rates, loss of property, hospitalizations, death, and economic hurt.”

The Minnesota, Ohio, South Dakota & Wisconsin farmers are being represented by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, and the lawsuit contends:
"Were plaintiffs eligible for the loan forgiveness benefit, they would have the opportunity to make additional investments in their property, expand their farms, purchase equipment and supplies, and otherwise support their families and local communities.

"Because plaintiffs are ineligible to even apply for the program solely due to their race, they have been denied the equal protection of the law and therefore suffered harm
,” the lawsuit reads.

The lawsuit has been filed against both U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack, and the USDA's Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux.

While the USDA issued a statement saying it is reviewing the lawsuit with President Biden's Department of Justice, it also said it plans to continue offering loan forgiveness exclusively to “socially disadvantaged” farmers.

Even though the relief would have helped the group of midwestern farmers survive, their Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty attorney said that’s not why they are are taking action.
“Our clients are not asking for their loans to be forgiven,” said deputy counsel Daniel Lennington.

“Just equality!” said Faust.

“Our clients are asking for the government to abide by the principal of equality,” concluded Lennington.

