SCHLICHTER: Joe Biden Will Always & Forever be Remembered as the Guy Too Senile to be President

By Kurt Schlichter
Alleged President Joe Biden’s cowardly capitulation to the will of the Democrat elite validated the cruel truth that we have always known about him – and that he has always known about himself. He’s a quitter. He’s a loser. He’s weak, and he’s stupid, the Democrat Party’s Fredo, given – by default – responsibility beyond running a nightclub out in the boondocks or picking somebody up from the airport and, predictably, botching it. Joe Biden is the ultimate personification of the Peter Principle, the only principle he has ever demonstrated. 

Good riddance. 

I guess that the Trump +7 Michigan poll on Sunday kind of put a nail in the coffin of Joe Biden’s dreams of a legacy of adequacy. It sure was a smart move to spend $320 million on that pier and to screw over Israel to lock down the Michigan vote. But that’s Joe – always wrong, always inept, always blowing it – yet always convinced he’s a prodigy and a visionary. It would be funny if his incompetence had not gotten so many people killed, from our troops to citizens murdered by coddled criminals and illegal aliens he invited on in.

Biden feels no shame; his crime family apparently lacks the necessary genes. A normal person would be utterly humiliated at having to surrender after making a babbling and incoherent spectacle of himself in an ambush debate he demanded.
The question is whether Biden is still smart enough to be embarrassed, or whether he is so demented as not to understand just how much of a punchline he has made himself. 

Joe Biden will always and forever be the guy too senile to be president, to the extent he’s remembered at all. Jimmy Carter has now lived long enough to see himself overcome his legacy as the worst president of the last hundred years, and the ghost of James Buchanan can console himself that Slobberin’ Joe still has another six months to lift from him the title of Worst President in American History.

With his towering ego and rock-bottom talent, Joe Biden is now faced with the reality that he will be – if we are lucky and he doesn’t get us all conquered or killed in the next half year – a mere footnote in history.

Don’t go away mad, Joe. Just go away. Your rocker and Matlock await.

Of course, he’s not resigning from office, though his submission to the demands that he withdraws proves he cannot fulfill his duties. That kind of unselfish act would be putting his country above himself and, therefore, be totally out of character. He is, was, and remains a grubby little mediocrity who managed to beat the bottom-run competition in his tiny garbage state after lucking into a seat in the Senate that he could’ve never hoped to earn in a real state.

His imposter syndrome and inferiority complex led to his reputation for bizarre lies among those paying attention, even as the Senator from Citibank cultivated his fraudulent framing of Middle-Class Joe.

Barack Obama is no dummy and was never fooled by his creepy veep. Barack Obama always had contempt for Joe because he knew him, and he picked Joe because Joe was a reassuringly mediocre guy with an undeserved image as an “amiable dunce” who wouldn’t provide any competition or steal the limelight. Barack Obama treated Joe with the appropriate condescension.

He mocked Joe privately, allowed his jibes to be made public, and then denied Joe Biden the chance to run in 2016.

That always grated on Joe Biden, as it should have, because it reflected the contempt those who know Joe Biden have for him. Now history will portray him as what he is, a doddering clown and a grubby, corrupt scumbag who couldn’t even stagger his way through a full term without making a fool of himself.

We will soon see what the Democrats will do, having cut the anchor that was their senile incumbent, but what we can hope is that they tear themselves to shreds. I think they will rally around Kamala quickly. She has Biden’s endorsement and Hillary’s too, so how could that go wrong? But Kamala is somehow even more unpopular than Joe is, so others might be tempted to step in. An open convention would be amazingly hilarious, and the elite that booted Biden will try to avoid it.

But what if the other competitors do not fall in line? Who else is in the mix? Ghastly crone Gretchen Whitmer, the Shrill and Disproving Roommate of America’s College Girlfriend, may jump in. So might Governor Hairstyle, fresh from ruining California. Maybe Pete Buttigieg will take a break from calling roads racist to get in. Everyone says Mayor Pete is a genius and a generational talent, especially Mayor Pete. Hopefully, they will shred each other, but they might also see 2024 as a losing cause and keep their powder dry for 2028.

If someone has to fail, let it be Kamala. After all, that’s her brand.

There is no way Kamala is going to get out of the way and just let this opportunity pass by. This is someone who got with Willie Brown and Montell Williams, so there’s no depth she won’t descend to in order to get what she wants. She gets access to Joe’s campaign money, which the other candidates don’t. She checks the DEI boxes, which give her a huge edge in the circus, which is the Democratic Party. The Party is likely to unify around her fairly quickly.

This week, we will see an enormous fundraising spike designed to show us that the Party is behind her. The regime media will swoon with adoration. She might be uncharacteristically smart and pick a solid running mate – Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro is the worst for us, but he also creates cracks within the coalition she will need to build because, frankly, so many of her voters hate Jews.
She will see a poll bump—how long it lasts is the issue. She will definitely upend the race, and she will at least temporarily have some momentum. What do we do in response? Fight, fight, fight, to quote her opponent after he got shot (If we had a real media, a reporter would ask Her Incoherency whether she agrees with a third of her voters that Trump faked the shooting).

The Border Czarina is vulnerable. She’s a mush-mouthed halfwit with a track record of failure.

Normal people find her annoying, and her negatives are high. It is unclear how effectively the coming regime media tongue-bath will clean her up.

Trump needs to handle this latest black swan event wisely. He’s got great instincts, and he has certainly thought this through along with his campaign advisers, who have been doing a fantastic job during this campaign. There will be a debate, and Trump will be able to point out that she knew Biden was senile and lied to their own voters; she will probably respond that we should look to the future, which lies ahead of us in the future that has not yet happened. Watch for the CNN and MSNBC harridans to proclaim her the rhetorical love child of Cicero and Pericles while ordinary people scratch their heads.

I’m not worried about the Trump campaign. I’m concerned about us Republican voters, taking for granted that we’re going to win this thing easily. It’s not going to be easy. Kamala Harris can very well win this election. She will have countless dollars and the enthusiastic support of the regime media. She will harness the power of cheating. Remember, a significant number of people would have voted for a demented old husk; they will vote for her, too.

Guys, we’ve got to fight. We’ve got to fight hard. We can’t get complacent. We’re not a few points ahead. We are 10 points behind, and we have got a play like it. Get out there and organize. Volunteer. And when you get your ballot, fill it out that day and mail it back in. Then, tell everybody you know to fill out their ballot that day and mail it back in. We can’t slack off. We can’t rest. This is the time to supercharge it. Get on it. It’s a whole new race, and we have no idea how that’s going to break down, but we do have an idea of how we can win by outworking them. And that’s what we have to do.

But you should remember to take some time to laugh at Joe Biden because that corrupt, desiccated, and perverted moron deserves his humiliation.

Rub it in.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel of terrorism in America, The Attack!


