Texas House of Reps UPDATE: May is Here, the Speaker's Desk is Getting Cleared

"We’ve recapped our priorities up for consideration on the floor for this week."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas The Texas House was active this week, as we kicked off May and the final month of the 2023 Legislative Session. House Republicans worked diligently on the House Floor – and in committee – throughout the week. The efforts will go a long way in keeping Texas the greatest state in the nation.

Of the many bills making their way through the Texas House, we’ve recapped our priorities here that were up for consideration on the floor this week. 

Specialized Business Courts

The Texas House is committed to keeping Texas the best state to do business. House Bill 19 by Rep. Andrew Murr creates the Texas Business Court which would allow lengthy and complicated business cases to be heard in a single court rather than a non-specialized court, increasing the efficiency of businesses in litigation. HB 19 was passed by the House on May 2 and is awaiting a committee assignment by the Senate. 

Reforming Texas School Curriculum

Texas needs new curriculum standards that will improve the academic performance of students and teachers. House Bill 1605 by Rep. Brad Buckley will provide a rigorous curriculum vetting process to ensure that only high quality and grade level appropriate materials are used in Texas classrooms. Teachers will also be provided greater professional development tools. Outside of the classroom, parents will be empowered by being given access to their student’s instructional materials. Upholding Texas values in school standards will help make sure that we get back to the basics of education. HB 1605 was passed by the House on May 3 and is now headed to the Senate.

Banning Child Gender Modification

Just like other laws to safeguard children from harmful, life-altering procedures, we must ensure that children are protected from medically unnecessary, irreversible gender modification treatments, including hormone therapies and surgical procedures.The Children’s Gender Protection Act (CGPA), or Senate Bill 14, sponsored by Rep. Tom Oliverson, is a compassionate solution that recognizes the continuing evolution of a child in adolescence, providing a common-sense prohibition on treatments and medical procedures to alter a child’s gender before they are of legal adult age. SB 14 is up for consideration in the House on Friday.

Protecting Texans From A Wealth Tax

Other states have begun to set a dangerous precedent, taxing their residents based on their total net worth and limiting their financial freedom. To keep Texas the best place to live, work, and raise a family, we must keep our tax burden low. House Joint Resolution 132 by Rep. Cole Hefner takes a proactive step to ban the state from EVER imposing a wealth tax on its citizens, ensuring that Texans take home more of their hard earned paycheck. HJR 132 was passed by the House on May 2 and is awaiting a committee assignment by the Senate.

Legislative Highlights Of April

With less than a month left in the session, House Republicans have been working hard to pass legislation and be in position to have bills on the Governor's desk come June. Last month, the House passed a lot of bills that you may have missed – and even if you caught them, it never hurts to review the major headlines in April.

Learn more about how House Republicans are:
  • Establishing Specialized Business Courts
  • Reforming Texas School Curriculum
  • Banning Child Gender Modification
  • Protecting Texans From A Wealth Tax
Be sure to check out our April blog post to catch up on everything #TXLEGE. April Blog Post

The Texas House Republican Caucus is comprised of all Republican members serving in the Texas House of Representatives. The Caucus provides research, education, policy development and other support to its members and their staff and works to promote limited government, fiscal responsibility, and personal liberty to continue cultivating economic growth in Texans. 

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan by is licensed under

