AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — As early voting across Texas began Tuesday, political campaigns around the state shifted into over-drive for the last three weeks of voter outreach and GOTV – short of Getting Out the Vote. Some, such as Republican incumbent Cong. Michael McCaul from Central Texas' 10th Congressional District, have even focused on reaching voters in unique ways for more than a year in anticipation of Election Day 2020.
Due to the unique circumstances of campaigning during a pandemic, McCaul's campaign has initiated a variety of outreach efforts to make sure the Congressman's message and record is heard by as many voters across the district as possible.

The McCaul campaign is utilizing an “army” of interns – of all backgrounds – to reach out directly to voters and constituents.
“The demographics in Texas are changing. My campaign has built a grassroots operation to compete for every vote one conversation at a time by uniting people behind common principles,” said McCaul.
“People of all backgrounds want a safe country, a strong economy, to keep more of what they earn and lower healthcare costs.
"This campaign is not about Republicans versus Democrats. This is about sharing a record of results and bipartisanship that has had a positive impact on the lives of Texans across the district” McCaul said.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, voters in Texas' 10th Congressional District are over 30% Hispanic or Latino, and almost 20% are foriegn born. And according to the Statistical Atlas, over 20% of the district speaks Spanish at home and 1,000s more speak Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Arabic, Hindi, Telugu – or even Urdu.
The McCaul for Congress Campaign has, as a result, translated its website and door knocking literature into various languages or subtitles to increase constituents access and understanding of the information McCaul's sharing across the district.
The campaign is making calls and sending texts to voters in Mandarin, Korean, French, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Japanese, and more. Its also made a point of reaching out to multi-lingual news sources to share the campaign’s message in print and online interviews.
The McCaul for Congress Campaign has, as a result, translated its website and door knocking literature into various languages or subtitles to increase constituents access and understanding of the information McCaul's sharing across the district.
The campaign is making calls and sending texts to voters in Mandarin, Korean, French, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Japanese, and more. Its also made a point of reaching out to multi-lingual news sources to share the campaign’s message in print and online interviews.

“We are working day and night to reach out to voters of all backgrounds to highlight the clear choice in this election between Michael McCaul, one of the most effective members of Congress, and his opponent, who is the most radical candidate running for office in the entire country,” McCaul for Congress campaign manager Evan Albertson said.
The interns – primarily high school and college students, or recent graduates who apply for the opportunity to learn about how campaigns work – gain invaluable career experience by reaching out to voters, knocking on doors, or making phone calls to share McCaul’s record of results.