McCaul Highlights Childhood Cancer Research Successes in Heart-Warming Story of Sadie Keller

Nearly 16,000 children diagnosed with cancer each year in U.S.; September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — “As a child in grade school, I lost my best friend to cancer. That experience had a profound effect on me, and from that moment on I carried this issue close to my heart,” said Congressman Michael McCaul, as his Re-Election Campaign released its first television ad of the 2020 election cycle, entitled “Sadie.”

"Too many children, and too many families, are impacted by this terrible disease," said McCaul.

The Congressman has worked tirelessly with Sadie Keller, whose inspiring story stirred the hearts of Congress, as well as others nationwide who are looking to find hope while having to fight the disease of Childhood Cancer.

After being diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukeumia at age 7, Keller was worried about whether Santa could deliver toys to all kids in her hospital – so she started a toy drive. It became a movement that turned into a foundation and a national year-round program that has collected tens of thousands of toys for kids battling cancer.

Along the way, Sadie met hundreds of “cancer kids" and ended up having to say goodbye to some of her closest friends.

The “Sadie” ad highlights McCaul’s efforts to expand Childhood Cancer Research and find new treatments in the fight the disease, and focuses on McCaul’s record as one of the most effective and bipartisan members of Congress.
“When I was elected to Congress, I knew I had to do something about it. I am proud to say that by working together we are making a difference and saving children’s lives.

"We will continue to fight this battle until we eradicate cancer from the planet.”

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death for American children. After founding the Childhood Cancer Caucus, Michael McCaul led the way on the passage of four major childhood cancer bills:
Creating Hope Act -- Provided incentives encouraging pharmaceutical companies to develop the first new pediatric cancer drugs in decades

RACE for Children Act -- Required drug companies developing cancer drugs for adults to develop the same drugs for pediatric cancer patients

Childhood Cancer STAR Act – As the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever signed into law, this bill focuses on survivors, improving treatments, and increasing funding for research

Global Hope Act -- Expands the fight against childhood cancer to developing countries where mortality rates are significantly higher than in the United States

Sadie - :60 TV

Sadie’s Mom: Four words that will change your life forever…”Your child has cancer.”

Sadie: I was so young and I was terrified. Because of the chemo I got some of the side effects were traumatizing.

Sadie’s Mom: The oncologists are having to work with chemotherapy treatments that are seventy years old.

Sadie: I fought for two and a half years. Now I’m doing good. But many of my friends have passed away. Out of billions of dollars that goes to cancer research, only four percent of that goes to childhood cancer. Kids deserve a lot better.

Sadie’s Mom: Congressman McCaul has made such a difference in the childhood cancer community. He founded the Childhood Cancer Caucus. He is so determined to make a difference.

Sadie: Congressman McCaul wants to raise awareness and he wants to raise funding so that scientists can save any child’s life.

Sadie’s Mom: We need him there to continue to fight for us.

Sadie: I don’t know what we would do without him.

