CONG. McCAUL: Holding Biden & Sect. Blinken Accountable - History Shows Weakness Invites Aggression

Secretary Blinken would not commit to sending the weapons Israel needs to finish its war against Hamas terrorists.

Texas Insider Report WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Joe Biden’s weakness on the international stage has plunged the United States and the entire world into dangerous times. This last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified to Congress before the House Foreign Affairs Committee – would not commit to sending the weapons to Israel that are required to finish its war against Hamas Terrorists.
History shows that weakness invites aggression – and our adversaries see that.

It is right to say that it all began with the catastrophic fall of Afghanistan.

The Biden White House has failed to establish the deterrence necessary to counter the malign threat of the CCP. We are on the brink of total destabilization in the Middle East.

Israel is in a fight for its very existence – from the terrorist threats of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.

It is time we return to the Reagan Doctrine of "Peace through strength."

The Biden Administration, however, has continued to appease our adversaries while turning their backs on our friend and ally, Israel.
  • Watch the exchange, as I explain why withholding weapons from Israel and putting limits on Ukraine hurts our U.S. National Security.
Supporting Texas' Farmers and Ranchers

Our farmers and ranchers are the backbone of America. I am proud to support the 2024 farm bill that provides these dedicated men and women with the resources they need to continue fueling our nation.

Texas is home to 230,000 farms and ranches – more than any other state by far. I appreciate the long, hard days that our farmers and ranchers put in to protect our land, secure our food supply chains, and cultivate crops to ensure our families are fed with the nutrients we need.

This year’s farm bill contains victories for Texans by repairing damage on farmlands near the border caused by President Biden’s border crisis. It also provides loans and crop insurance to those who need it, combats threats posed by adversarial nations attempting to own farm land, and protects cattle and poultry against foreign animal diseases.
  • Click here to read more.
Jen Psaki's Role in the Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan

This week, I sent a letter to former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki requesting that she appear before my committee to testify about her role in the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

As the White House's top communicator during that time, Jen Psaki possesses key insights into the administration's decision-making. Unfortunately, she has advanced narratives regarding the withdrawal that my committee's investigation has proven untrue.

I will not tolerate her obstruction of this critical investigation. The Gold Star families and the American people deserve better. If she continues to dodge her responsibility to testify, I am prepared to use all tools at my disposal — including a subpoena — to ensure that Congress speaks with her.
  • Click here to read more.
Voting to Protect Americans' Financial Privacy

As chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I’ve seen how dictators wield financial tools like central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to control, coerce, and spy on their citizens. In the United States of America — the land of the free — how individuals spend their money is none of the government’s business, and we must keep it that way.
Unfortunately, President Biden’s administration is considering taking a page right out of the Chinese Communist Party's playbook by implementing a CBDC. This week, I voted for the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act — legislation I also cosponsored — to prohibit that from happening. Thanks to House Republicans, this bill passed the House by a vote of 216 - 192, and we will continue working to defend Americans’ financial privacy and way of life.
  • Click here to read more about the bill.
Strengthening U.S. National Security

As the Biden administration continues to damage America’s reputation on the world stage, I'm championing several bills to strengthen our national security.

My bill, the “Maintaining Our Ironclad Commitment to Israel’s Security Act” passed out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee this week. This bill will ensure President Biden cannot pause weapons being sent to Israel without notifying Congress and lets Congress vote to force him to send the weapons anyway.

Artificial intelligence will have enormous impact on our economy and military. My bipartisan ENFORCE Act will protect our most sensitive technologies from falling into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party as it looks to enhance its surveillance state and war machine. 
  • Click here to watch my remarks on the Ironclad Act, and click here to watch my remarks on the ENFORCE Act.


