McCaul: Honoring Those Who Fought for Freedom

President Biden’s Election-Year Border Stunt

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas On June 6, 1944, Allied forces carried out the largest military invasion in history as they stormed the beaches of Normandy. Eighty years later, I was incredibly humbled travel to Normandy with a bipartisan congressional delegation to meet and thank several of the surviving World War II veterans who risked everything to save the free world, just as my father did.

We will always honor the sacrifice of our veterans who stood up against tyranny and valiantly fought for freedom and democracy.

As our world grows more dangerous, I couldn’t think of a better time to remember the Greatest Generation and the courageous soldiers we lost on D-Day.

I will never forget their bravery, and I will continue to honor their legacy. 

Read more here.

I also had the opportunity to meet with Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks to thank them for memorializing veterans like my father who served in the Greatest Generation through epics like Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and the Pacific Masters of the Air.

Supporting Our Nation’s Heroes
As the son of a World War II B-17 bombardier, I will always support our veterans.

This week, I was proud to vote for House Republicans’ bill that fully funds veterans’ benefits, VA programs, and bolsters U.S. national security.

One of our greatest responsibilities is ensuring that America’s heroes have the resources they need to provide for themselves and their families.

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Holding Jen Psaki Accountable for Her Actions in the Afghanistan Withdrawal

Jen Psaki spread the Biden administration’s lies, and she continues to lie to the American people. In her memoir, she claims that President Biden never looked at his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony for the American soldiers who were killed in the Abbey Gate bombing even though photos proved that he did.

Ms. Psaki continues to neglect her duties to our country. She is ignoring my request for her to appear before my committee for a transcribed interview on her role in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

It is clear that she does not want to tell the truth about what happened. If she does not come in voluntarily, I am prepared to subpoena her. 

Read more here.

President Biden’s Election-Year Border Stunt
The Biden administration’s failure to secure our southern border has led to the worst border crisis I have seen in my lifetime.

Instead of implementing effective solutions like the Secure the Border Act passed by House Republicans, the president issued an executive order this week that ignores our immigration laws and allows 2,500 illegal immigrants to flow into our country every day before any enforcement tools are used.

With these numbers, nearly one million illegal immigrants would cross our border every year without any repercussions. This is not a serious proposal. It’s just a last-minute stunt in an election year, and it will not fool the voters.

Read more here.

