CONG. McCAUL: Representing Texas on the World Stage & Condemning President Biden's Mass Amnesty Plan

It is an honor to represent the United States across the world, and I am proud to carry the Texan spirit with me.

By Cong. Michael McCaul

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — This past week, I led a bipartisan Congressional Delegation to India – the world’s largest democracy and an important partner of the United States. On this trip, I was honored to meet with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. 

Over 70 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party annexed the democratic territory and slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent Tibetans. To save his people, the Dalai Lama led his followers on a journey through the Himalayas to safety.

I visited with a Tibetan survivor of the Chinese prisons who told me they made her walk on barbed wire. She is only 20 years old. The CCP is trying to replace the Dalai Lama with one of their own so they can destroy their culture and religion. 

Our visit served as a symbol of the U.S. government's support for democracy and the people of Tibet. It is my hope that one day the Dalai Lama and his people will return to their homeland – in Tibet – and live freely. 
  While in India, I had the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Modi. When the world’s two largest democracies work together, it sends a powerful message to the CCP and the rest of the world that democracy wins over tyranny. During my conversations with him, I invited the prime minster to visit Texas to meet our large Indian diaspora.

It is an honor to represent the United States across the world, and I am proud to carry the Texan spirit with me.
  • Read more about my recent trips defying the CCP in the Houston Chronicle here.
Holding Jen Psaki Accountable

After months of obstructing our requests, I secured a date for Jen Psaki to testify about her role in the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. 
Ms. Psaki has evaded the public’s questions for years. Now – under the threat of a congressional subpoena – I will be holding her accountable next month.
The American people and our servicemembers deserve the truth about the catastrophic withdrawal. I will not tolerate any limitations on her appearance or attempts to withhold the truth. 
If she does not comply, she will be compelled to sit for a deposition next month. 
  Condemning President Biden's Mass Amnesty Plan

Also last week, President Biden announced a new plan to grant amnesty to 100s of 1,000s of illegal immigrant spouses living in the U.S.

This politically-motivated executive action sells out the nation for new votes and political points. Illegally bypassing federal law by granting amnesty to nearly half a million illegal immigrants would create a huge pull factor and be ripe for abuse.

I have confidence the courts will shut down this painfully transparent power-grab and will continue to speak out against the Biden administration's appalling refusal to secure our border and protect American citizens.

Congressman Michael McCaul represents Texas' 10th Congressional District, which stretches from Lake Travis outside of Austin to the Brazos Valley and includes: Austin, Bastrop, Brazos, Burleson, Colorado, Fayette, Grimes, Lee, Madison, Travis, Washington, Waller and Williamson Counties. He currently serves as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and previously – prior to being term-limited as chairman under the House of Representatives Rules – served as the Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee during the 113th, 115th and 116th Congresses.


