"We are going to see Afghanistan fall back into a pre-9/11 state, and become a breeding ground for terrorism."
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — "This is going to be a stain on this president, and this presidency," said Cong. Michael McCaul on the "State of the Union" program, joining Jake Tapper to discuss the rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. President Biden has created an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions by impulsively pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan – without a clear plan to handle the drastic repercussions.

Cong. McCaul currently serves as Republican Leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Asked by Tapper, "Is Biden to blame?" McCaul told the CNN anchor;
"100% – President Truman once said that the 'buck stops here,' meaning at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. Biden owns this. He made the decision.
"What's worse… once he made the decision he could have done certain things. He could have planned for it. He could have had a strategy for this. Instead, there's still no strategy – other than race to the airport and evacuate as many people as you can," said McCaul.
"For President Biden to try to throw all of this on the former administration is a lack of responsibility and accountability. I think he's going to have blood on his hands.
"What's worse… once he made the decision he could have done certain things. He could have planned for it. He could have had a strategy for this. Instead, there's still no strategy – other than race to the airport and evacuate as many people as you can," said McCaul.
"For President Biden to try to throw all of this on the former administration is a lack of responsibility and accountability. I think he's going to have blood on his hands.
"In just 7 months, President Biden has overseen numerous foreign policy disasters. Again, he's made America look weak on the world stage as our adversaries watch with content. American foreign policy must be conducted solely from a position of strength, and Joe Biden has failed here time and again," said Cong. McCaul.