The so-called cages you see on the news and on Twitter were constructed by President Obama & his Administration. Not one single so-called cage has been constructed by the Trump Administration not one.

WASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report) During the Presidency of Barack Obama we didnt see outrage from the Democrats then. We didnt see prominent Democrat Members of Congress condemning the so-called Concentration Camps then Cong. Jim Jordan noted during a recent House of Representatives Oversight Committee Hearing ripping Democrats for refusing to address the crisis at the border.
Again President Trump has not constructed a single cage not one.
So what do Democrats do when they have to acknowledge a problem that doesnt align with their politics? asked Jordan.
They look for someone to blame and guess what? Who else but the President of the United States & the hardworking Men & Women who work tirelessly every day trying to secure our border.
Walls are immoral the Speaker of the House says even though theres a wall in her own state.
Think about what weve heard from them abolish ICE? (the Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency.) Abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security? Abolish the whole department of DHS?
Non-Citizens should be able to vote? Taxpayers should finance all healthcare for all illegals?
This issue is one of the greatest challenges of our time and frankly its getting worse by the day" said Jordan.