CHRISTIAN: Biden Isn’t Savin’ Lizards in West Texas, He’s Shutting Down American Oil & Gas

“Texas will certainly fight this most recent ESA weaponization, which aims to shut down half the nation’s crude oil production and one-third of its natural gas production.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas The U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) announced it would be listing the Dune Sagebrush Lizard as an endangered species under the Endanger Species Act (ESA). The Biden Administration made this designation, despite years of public and private collaborative efforts protecting the lizard, which have resulted in increased land conservation and rebounding populations.  Following the news, Texas Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian said the follow:

“This doesn’t have a thing to do with ‘saving lizards’; it’s about shutting down U.S. oil and gas production to win political brownie points – which will only increase inflation and jeopardize billions of lives globally,” said Texas Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a lizard, a chicken, a whale, or a unicorn, radical environmentalists won’t be satisfied until we all get our energy from firewood and are living in a cave again.

"To them, this is about ending fossil fuels to ‘better humanity’ – which is ironic given they allow mankind to flourish by powering 80% of the globe’s energy, manufacturing 96% of consumer products, and helping to feed more than half the planet.

"Right now, the world needs more energy and more Texas oil and gas, and all this does is drive up prices and make it harder on consumers.”

“Texas will certainly fight this most recent ESA weaponization, which aims to shut down half the nation’s crude oil production and one-third of its natural gas production,” continued Christian.

“Texans can rest assured that the RRC and other state agencies won’t lift a finger to help with this nonsense, because the Texas Energy Independence Act prohibits state agencies from facilitating any effort that would undermine Texas oil and gas production.”

Christian previously sent a letter to USFWS opposing the ESA designation.
Wayne Christian was elected as the 50th Texas Railroad Commissioner in November 2016. Prior to his time at the Commission, Christian served seven sessions in the Texas House of Representatives, accumulating a strong record of standing for free markets and against burdensome regulations.


