Olson Takes Stand Against Reckless Liberal Wish List

"I am committed to developing responsible aid targeted to the pandemic and will continue every effort to work with my colleagues across the aisle to help American workers and families struggling in these challenging times.”

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22)  voted against a $3 trillion partisan spending bill that will not responsibly give American families the help they need. The 1,800-page bill, deceptively packaged by House Democrats as COVID-19 economic aid, was drafted without Republican input and contained numerous provisions unrelated to COVID-19.
“During a global crisis, the American people deserve and expect a government that responds thoughtfully and responsibly,” Olson stated. “This radical, partisan wish list is a Trojan horse loaded with liberal goals: throwing open the doors of our nation’s prisons, dumping money into sanctuary cities and setting up our elections for massive fraud. I am committed to developing responsible aid targeted to the pandemic and will continue every effort to work with my colleagues across the aisle to help American workers and families struggling in these challenging times.”
The bill proposed by House Democrats included the following:
Anti-Work Provisions
  • Will make economic recovery more difficult by making it more profitable for individuals not to work
Prisoner Release
  • Provides get-out-of-jail free cards for certain prisoners, including:
    • Those within one year of release
    • Prisoners over 50
    • Juveniles
    • Inmates with health conditions
  • Includes $250M in spending to reintegrate ex-prisoners into society 
Incentives for Illegal Immigration
  • Awards federal funding to sanctuary cities
  • Requires review of those detained by ICE so certain illegal immigrants can be released
  • Prevents the deportation of illegal immigrants
  • Authorizes illegal immigrants to work during this crisis
  • Allows illegal immigrants to collect Economic Impact Payments
Wasteful Spending
  • Provides funding to matters unrelated to combatting COVID-19 including:
    • $125M to National Science Foundation
    • $50M to Legal Services Corporation
    • $50M to the EPA in “environmental justice grants”
    • $40M to U.S. Geological Survey
    • $10M to National Endowment of the Arts
    • $10M to National Endowment of the Humanities
Wholesale Election Law Changes
  • Federalizes the entire election process and takes power away from the states
  • Calls for mailed absentee ballots to be sent to every voter permanently
  • Permits same day voter registration nationwide which would lengthen voting lines
  • Codifies ballot harvesting
  • Enacts national vote by mail
  • Prevents states from having voter ID requirements
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