Cong. Carter: Our Republican Party's Commitment to America

"I am introducing legislation this week that requires the Department of Defense to hand over jurisdiction of juvenile-on-juvenile crimes to local civilian authorities."

By Congressman John Carter

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, House Republicans introduced our Commitment to America. It is a promise from us to the American people to restore our way of life, rebuild our economy, and renew the American dream. Now more than ever, it is important to protect American jobs through pro-growth tax policies, defeat the Coronavirus, and keep our communities safe. Learn more about Republicans’ Commitment to America here

Protecting Juvenile Victims

Last year, I wrote and passed legislation to require the Department of Defense Inspector General’s office to investigate juvenile-on-juvenile crime on military installations. Last week, findings from the investigation were released and they’re unacceptable. Six hundred juvenile crimes were not passed on to local authorities, and instead, fell in a jurisidictional black hole.

Military installations are federal property, but there is no federal juvenile law, so juvenile crimes are not being addressed. While the IG's report brings light to this ongoing problem, this is only one step to ensuring that juvenile-on-juvenile crime is handled appropriately. I am introducing legislation this week that requires the Department of Defense to hand over jurisdiction of juvenile-on-juvenile crimes to local civilian authorities. This ensures juvenile victims receive the justice they deserve, and juvenile perpetrators receive appropriate consequences. Learn more by clicking on the video

Congressional App Challenge Underway!

I’m excited to announce that once again, my office is participating in the Congressional App Challenge! Junior high and high school students from TX-31 are eligible to submit an original app by October 19, 2020.

The winning app will be featured on my website and the Congressional App Challenge website! Click here for more details!

As always, thank you for taking the time to catch-up on TX-31 news. Be sure to follow my Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates.

