CONG. SESSIONS: Oversight Committee Reports 'Widespread Failures & Fraud in Pandemic Unemployment Relief Programs'

Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce held a hearing to continue investigation of COVID-related reports of fraud in unemployment insurance programs

By Cong. Pete Sessions

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week was the first back in Washington following the August district work period, so there was lots of legislative work to be done. On Tuesday, myself and Chairman Comer of the House Committee on Oversight & Accountability released a staff report titled, “Widespread Failures & Fraud in Pandemic Unemployment Relief Programs.” This report details how states across the country processed pandemic unemployment insurance (UI) claims carelessly.

The result of this was a reported $200 billion stolen from taxpayers in the Biden-Harris administration pandemic spending spree. This level of fraud is historic, and the Oversight & Accountability Committee is committed to ensuring solutions are enacted to prevent improper payment reporting.
  • To read the report, click here.
On a related note, my Subcommittee on Government Operations & the Federal Workforce held a hearing to continue investigation of COVID-related reports of fraud in unemployment insurance programs. We discussed the findings of the staff report then assessed the current anti-fraud and improper payment efforts in federal agencies.
  • You can view my opening statement here.
  • A link to the entire hearing is here.

9/11 Anniversary

Wednesday marked the somber 23rd anniversary of the attacks on 9/11. Though more than two decades have passed, we renew our promise to Never Forget each year.

As we remember, we must also renew our commitment to honoring those who were lost and those who served. We must ensure that the lessons we learned from that day are not forgotten but are transformed into a commitment to a safer and more just world. It is imperative that we remain united against those that seek to divide us, remain committed to our allies, and promote peace through strength.

I want to take this time to thank all the first responders that stand at the ready to serve and protect, just as so many did on that fateful day. Thank you for your sacrifice.

This week, we focused on legislation to counter the threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). We addressed restoring security in American manufacturing and technology against the threat of the CCP as well as protecting our universities from infiltration from the CCP.

Next week, we will be sure to get the government funded.

Legislation of the Week:
Cong. Pete Sessions represents Texas' 17th Congressional District, and currently serves on the House Financial Services, and the House Oversight & Reform Committees. He chaired the House Rules Committee from 2013 to 2019, and is a former chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

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