Patrick Challenges Direction of Alamo Restoration Project

 “What Will We Remember About the Alamo?”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas — HOUSTON TX – Dan Patrick, Texas Lt. Governor issued the following statement as Texans remember the final Battle of the Alamo:
“184 years ago tomorrow, brave men fought and died to save the Alamo. It was a battle that changed the course of history for Texas, the United States and the world. Now it is time for Texans to come together to fight for it again.

“In 2015, the Texas Legislature provided funding to preserve the Alamo and begin the process of rebuilding Alamo Plaza so Texans and the world can see the battlefield as it was on March 6, 1836. 

“I have asked people from all across this great state about their vision for this effort.  The job of oversight for this project is the responsibility of the General Land Office headed by Commissioner George P. Bush.  It is evident to me that both the design, planning and execution of the project is badly off track.
“Nothing defines the independent and the courageous spirit of Texas more than our iconic Alamo and, like most Texans, I treasure it. The history of the Alamo is a personal passion of mine. I do not intend to sit quietly and see this project fail.
“Millions of state dollars have already been spent to begin the initial process of restoring the current buildings at the Alamo and buying the adjacent property to reclaim much of the entire battlefield. Significant additional funding will be necessary to complete this project.
“Texans from across the state are quite clear about what they expect to see upon the completion of the Alamo restoration project:
“The primary focus of the Alamo conservation and restoration must focus on the battle itself, not the 200-year history of early Spanish settlement in Texas. That story is already impressively depicted through San Antonio’s Mission Trail.

“Alamo Plaza should resemble, as closely as possible, the actual fort as it was in 1836. While some space limitations exist, there is room to re-create the barricade adjacent to the Alamo mission that Crockett defended, the front gate, the room where Bowie was killed, the west wall, the Trevino House inside the fort where Travis resided and likely wrote his letters, and to rebuild the long barracks where many of the defenders made their final stand.

“To educate our children, Texans want a world-class visitor center that is interactive and tells the story of the Battle of the Alamo. The visitor center must complement the Alamo in design and not overwhelm it.

“There is no disagreement that the Cenotaph needs repair, but there has been substantial disagreement on its final location. I have yet to hear a good explanation of why the Cenotaph must be moved. In the Republican Primary on Tuesday, nearly 98% of voters supported Proposition 7, which would prohibit the removal of historic monuments in Texas, including the Cenotaph. This issue now seems to be settled.

“I have seen two architectural renderings so far, including the latest one a few weeks ago, and neither are anything close to what the people of Texas are expecting. The latest looks like a massive urban park with hundreds of trees – more like Central Park in New York City than Alamo Plaza. We have wasted significant public dollars on designs which most Texans would immediately reject. Today, I’m asking for transparency to finally be injected into the process and for the Land Commissioner to release all designs.
“We simply must get the Alamo preservation project right, because what we do now will be with us forever. The Texas Historical Commission is holding a meeting later this month where I trust several Alamo issues will be addressed.
“If the General Land Office cannot handle this important job, and to date it does not appear it can, I will recommend we identify another entity to provide oversight.”

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