Paul Ryan: Its not just the health care law that we can replace.

Donald Trump will lead a unified Republican government. trump-ryan3fTexas Insider Report: WASHINGTON DC  Donald Trump heard a voice out in this country that no one else heard. He connected in ways with people that no one else did. He turned politics on his head said the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan who called Trumps victory the most incredible political feat I have seen in my lifetime." Ryan said he spoke with Trump Tuesday night as well as Wednesday morning. We had great conversations about how wed work together on the transition. I am very excited about our ability to work together. I think we are going to hit the ground running. Ryan noted that with the GOP soon to control both the White House and Congress in 2017 he looks forward to the opportunity to get his policy agenda enacted starting with repealing Obamacare.

Its not just the health care law that we can replace. Think of the farmers here in Wisconsin being harassed by the EPA. Think about ranchers in the West getting harassed by the Interior Department.

There is relief coming. This is good for our country. This means we can lift the oppressive weight of the regulatory state restore the Constitution… this is very exciting said Ryan.

trump-ryan3bDonald Trump will lead a unified Republican government and we will work hand-in-hand on a positive agenda to tackle this countrys big challenges. Donald Trump provided a lot of coattails to get people over the finish line to maintain our strong House and Senate majorities" Ryan acknowledged. We all need to dedicate ourselves to making America great and making it a more perfect union.
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