Statewide Elec­tion Integri­ty Team Announced by Pax­ton for 2022 Election

“It is why my office remains ever vigilant in defending the integrity of our elections. And it’s why I’m establishing a 2022 General Election Integrity Team.” 
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the formation of his Statewide 2022 General Election Integrity Team earlier today, which is a concentrated effort to devote agency lawyers, investigators, support staff, and resources to ensuring this election season – which began with early voting on Monday, October 24 – is run transparently and securely. The Integrity Team’s primary function is to serve as a focused resource to both election officials and the public.

The agency will also monitor a public email address – – to receive information about alleged violations of the Texas Election Code.   

Attorney General Paxton leads an Election Integrity Division year-round – however, Paxton said, this 2022 Team is a dedicated group specially tasked with overseeing the 2022 general election season. 

“The foundation of our constitutional republic is a secure and transparent ballot,” said Attorney General Paxton.

“It is why my office remains ever vigilant in defending the integrity of our elections. And it’s why I’m establishing a 2022 General Election Integrity Team.”   

Attorney General Paxton is a national leader in election integrity. Under his leadership, individuals throughout the state have been held accountable for attempts to bend or break the boundaries of lawful practices set forth in the Texas Election Code.  
  • Read the Office of the Attorney General’s 2022 General Election Integrity Team public service announcement here

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