Pax­ton Secures Vic­to­ry vs. Biden White House, Stops Texas Health­care Providers from Forced Per­formance of Abor­tions

Biden White House determined to "impermissibly interfere with the practice of medicine in violation of the Medicare Act.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Attorney General Paxton released the following statement after a Federal Judge sided with the Texas Attorney General and issued an injunction to stop the Biden Administration from using the Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) to force Texas hospitals and doctors to perform abortions:

“The court’s decision to side with Texas is a crucial step in preventing Joe Biden and his radical pro-abortion Administration from breaking the law and threatening our entire healthcare industry by withholding federal funds.

"We’re not going to allow left-wing bureaucrats in Washington, to transform our hospitals and emergency rooms into walk-in abortion clinics, and the decision last night proves what we knew all along: the law is on our side.

"No matter how many backdoors Joe Biden attempts to go through to illegally force abortions in Texas, I will fight back to defend our pro-life laws and Texas mothers and children.”

The judge’s decision’s comes after Paxton filed the initial lawsuit against Mr. Biden's U.S. Department of Health & Human Services in mid-July and moved for an injunction in early August.
“The Court concludes that the Guidance extends beyond EMTALA’s authorizing text in three ways:
  • it discards the requirement to consider the welfare of unborn children when determining how to stabilize a pregnant woman;
  • it claims to preempt state laws notwithstanding explicit provisions to the contrary; and
  • it impermissibly interferes with the practice of medicine in violation of the Medicare Act,” the court stated in its decision.


