Pax­ton Sues Biden Over Vac­cine Man­dates for Texas State Guard Troops & Joins Fight to Keep Rural Emergency Care Hospitals Open

“Now this Administration plans to exacerbate the Border Crisis by taking out the very people defending Texas — the state that he abandoned and left bearing the costs and consequences of his decisions.” 

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the Biden Administration over an unconstitutional vaccine mandate being imposed on the Texas Army National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard, saying President Biden is not those troops’ commander-in-chief; Governor Abbott is. 

Paxton agrues that neither the President, nor Federal Military Officials, can order the Governor and non-federalized National Guardsmen to comply with a vaccination mandate or to direct a particular disciplinary action for failure to comply. 

“This is one of the many examples of federal overreach by the Biden Administration that my office is adamantly fighting against,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said. 

“Now this Administration plans to exacerbate the border crisis by taking out the very people defending Texas—the state that he abandoned and left bearing the costs and consequences of his decisions.” 

Click here to read the lawsuit.  

Pax­ton Joins Com­ment Let­ter Against Vac­cine Man­date for CMS Health­care Employees

Texas' Attorney General also joined several other states in a comment letter against the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which requires vaccination of all healthcare workers at CMS facilities throughout the country.  

It is estimated that this vaccine mandate would affect more than 17 million people and approximately 76,000 healthcare providers, including:
  • Essential Care Facilities such as Hospice Providers
  • Emergency Care Hospitals in Rural Areas
  • Federally-Qualified Health Care Clinics, and
  • Care Facilities for those with intellectual disabilities
In addition to exacerbating the already critical shortage of healthcare professionals, forcing Americans to get vaccinated upon threat of unemployment is an unconstitutional and disappointing example of federal overreach.   

To read comment letter click here

