Pfluger: An Update on Fighting for Women & Unborn Children, and the Mifepristone Court Case

ALSO BELOW – Biden Unleashed Inflation, a Simple Solution Would Reverse It

By Cong. August Pfluger

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. I wanted to update you on a current lawsuit concerning Mifepristone, a dangerous chemical abortion drug that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved and deregulated – despite the known safety risks to women. Consuming mifepristone creates significant risks for women (in addition to killing the unborn baby).

In fact, a 2021 study found that between 1999-2015, visits to emergency rooms related to chemical abortion increased by over 500%. A Finnish study found that women who underwent a chemical abortion were four times more likely to experience an adverse event than women who had another type of abortion.

In recent years, the FDA has expanded access to the drug and made it available in pharmacies or through the mail without in-person evaluations and medical oversight.

On Monday, April 10th, Amarillo-based U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk delivered a landmark ruling halting the approval of mifepristone. His decision was nearly immediately appealed, sending it to the 5th Circuit Court, which blocked a portion of his ruling but agreed that expanding access to the drug should be paused.

The FDA’s decision to approve the sale and use of dangerous chemical abortion drugs without proper in-person medical evaluation and oversight was a huge mistake, and reversing this rule is a huge win in protecting the safety of women.

I am proud to be leading 69 Members of Congress in filing an Amicus Brief urging the Court to keep the Northern District of Texas’ stay of the FDA approval of the abortion drug mifepristone in place to protect the health and safety of pregnant women and their unborn children. 

The Biden Administration has petitioned the Supreme Court to take up the case, which we expect to happen in the coming days or weeks.

In conjunction with the Amicus Brief, this week I also introduced The Safeguarding Women’s and Children’s Health Act, which would require more accurate reporting of the deaths and adverse events connected with mifepristone. 

The FDA’s politically-motivated decision to approve mifepristone for use without proper medical evaluation or oversight is putting the health and safety of women at risk, especially given there are no requirements to report adverse health events caused by the chemical abortion. Americans deserve a clear understanding of the risks these drugs pose to women, especially as the Biden White House works to expand the availability of these dangerous drugs.

I will continue to keep you updated on the case and how I'm working to lend a voice to the voiceless.                     

ICYMI: Pfluger & Isaacs tell Fox News – Biden Unleashed Inflation, This Simple Solution Would Reverse It
"If Americans can come together across the aisle to agree on anything, it’s that the Biden administration’s agenda has been disastrous for Americans. With no end in sight to price hikes causing financial turmoil for so many families, it’s becoming more and more clear every day that we must reverse course.

For once, Congress is considering a simple, common-sense solution to ease the burden of inflation – a single-sentence bill that can unleash the power of the free market, create good-paying jobs, and put Americans hard-earned dollars back into their pockets.  

It all has to do with energy. 

The average American rarely thinks about access to energy unless the power unexpectedly goes out, or – as is becoming increasingly common – they can’t afford to fill up their gas tank. But no part of our lives would be possible without it. Though there are many reasons for inflation and economic instability, energy is the crux of the issue.  

It’s about more than just juice for our smartphone scrolling sessions and gas for our cars. Electricity powers the banks, hospitals, schools, warehouses, stores, data centers, dispatch centers, and many more societal institutions that our everyday lives revolve around. If the price of energy goes up, the price of literally everything goes up along with it, and the consequences are painful for the American people." 
You can read more from Jason Isaacs and me on my bill to rescind President Biden's natural gas tax here.

Congressman August Pfluger represents Texas’ 11th Congressional District, which includes 20 Counties and the largest secure supply of Oil & Gas in the nation – the Permian Basin – in the U.S. House of Representatives. A graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, he served 20 years as a decorated fighter pilot and still serves as a Colonel in the Air Force Reserves.

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