POST TRIAL: More "Independents" in Key Swing States say They'll Likely Vote for Trump, than Those Who Won't

President Trump’s path to victory runs through 7 Targeted States – "And thus far, we see no discernable impact."

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Former President Donald Trump's now-concluded New York City trial has continued to dominate a good part of this week's media news coverage – which has taken to a new level their efforts to convince Americans to turn against the man that polls show they support – and, if one believes what the liberal media want us to believe, it's all further "dividing" the nation and causing voters to lose their "faith in our U.S. Institutions."

However, as former President Donald Trump readies himself to appeal the decision in last week's verdict, numerous polls have now shown that the trial's overall impact hasn't much swayed the opinion of voters as Democrats and the media say it should – or had hoped that it would.

President Trump's pollster, Tony Fabrizio, conducted a poll both before the trial – and after the verdict.

Spanning several states, the polls show that while voters' interest in the trial had significantly increased, the verdict had not made a dent in voters' opinion on President Trump.

In fact, 52% said they believed the trial was "politically motivated," according to Wednesday's data, and by Friday, the number had not changed.

For example:

  • Last Wednesday night's combined data showed that 26% of "Likely Voters" listed the trial as the top story they were following.
  • Friday night's data showed that the number had spiked to 41%.
  • Wednesday night's data showed that 49% said that they had seen, read or heard about President Trump in the past day or so, and
  • on Thursday night, the number spiked to 61%.

And similarly, President Trump's lead in every ballot iteration has not changed statistically.

In a memorandum recently sent to the former president's supporters, Fabrizio noted that Trump's team had spoken to the campaign's key donors and supporters and let them know they anticipated the verdict's impact was already "baked in the cake."

They expected "marginal impact from an adverse ruling."

"We wouldn’t be surprised to see some national media polls (where deep blue states like CA, NY, and IL hold great weight,) show shifts based on the ruling.

"But as you know, President Trump’s path to 270 Electoral Votes runs through these 7 Target States.

"And thus far, we see no discernable impact."

As a result, Fabrizio and others are calling on President Trump's detractors to "put the corks back in their champaign bottles."

The findings, Fabrizio says, indicates that "court rules, voters shrug."

In what may be a tight race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the White House, even small shifts in support will prove decisive.


