Cong. August Pfluger
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. – During his Joint Address to Congress last week, President Biden outlined his plans to radically change America and push us farther down the path of socialism. We must stand firm in protecting our freedoms for our children and future generations.
The speech came as the President reached his 100th day in office. In that time he has reopened our border, roped us back into the disastrous Paris Climate Accords, eased sanctions on our adversaries, halted the Keystone XL pipeline, imposed overburdensome regulations on the oil and gas industry, bailed out locked-down states, added $2 trillion in spending and announced plans to raise corporate taxes and capital gains.
The enormous federal programs he proposed total trillions in new spending and will require higher taxes. The welfare state will only grow and power will be further centralized in Washington, D.C. The President spoke of bipartisanship, yet over and over again Republicans in Congress have been blocked from participating in an open, transparent debate to speak up for our constituents.

I will continue doing what’s right for the people in the 11th District of Texas.
Biden’s Border Crisis Continues to Spiral
Last week we received the disturbing news that 33 Guatemalan citizens were found in a home inside the Midland city limits.
Make no mistake—this is no longer a crisis at the border, this situation is impacting communities across the entire interior of the country. I fear there are many more houses just like this one across the United States. It is time for the Biden Administration to reverse course.
This fiscal year alone, over two million illegal immigrants are expected to cross the U.S.-Mexico border and be released into the interior of the country unvetted. Communities like ours will be paying the price. For this reason I introduced the American Border Rescue Plan to help offset the costs local communities and law enforcement agencies are incurring due to the influx of illegal immigration.
There is no question President Biden’s reckless actions have incentivized the massive surge to our southern border, and his refusal to acknowledge and address the crisis is putting American families at risk.
I am again imploring President Biden and Vice President Harris to acknowledge the severity of the crisis, to come to the border and affected communities like Midland, and take immediate action to secure the safety of American families.
Standing Up for Farmers & Ranchers
American farmers and ranchers don't stop working. Not in a pandemic. Not ever.
Despite Texas' successful reopening, the Biden Administration is forcing Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) facilities to remain closed to in-person visits—exacerbating the struggles of farm families across our state.

Standing Up for the Unborn
Last week, I co-sponsored the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This bill would outlaw aborting fetuses 20 weeks or older with the exception of saving the life of a pregnant woman or in the case of incest or rape.
I remain committed to supporting and advancing pro-life policies. Recently, I signed a discharge petition to bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act up for a vote. This legislation would protect the lives of babies born-alive during an abortion, by requiring health care professionals who are present at the live birth to immediately step-in and act to preserve the life and health of the child.
I have also co-sponsored seven pro-life bills and signed onto two letters declaring my support for protecting life, including the ‘Save Hyde’ letter which was signed by nearly 200 GOP lawmakers and calls on Democrat leadership to not eliminate or weaken provisions preventing taxpayer dollars from funding abortions.
All life is sacred, and I am proud to join my colleagues on this important measure that will uphold the sanctity of life and place further protections on the unborn.