President Trump Visits the Permian Basin

President Trump toured Double Eagle Energy, made remarks on the progress made to advance American energy independence, and signed four permits for the expansion of pipeline and railroad infrastructure.

Congressman Mike Conaway

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – On Wednesday, I had the honor of joining President Trump on Air Force One for a trip home to the Permian Basin.

This was the first time a President has visited the Permian Basin in eleven years. President Trump toured an oil rig at Double Eagle Energy, made remarks on the progress his administration has made to advance American energy independence, and signed four permits providing for the expansion of pipeline and railroad infrastructure.

It was an immense honor to show the President of the United States around my hometown and have the opportunity to speak candidly with him about the significance of the Permian Basin and its critical contributions to national security and the economy. President Trump was able to learn more about the oil and gas business, go up on a rig, and see the faces of the men and women who do this hard work on behalf of the United States every day. 

President Trump remains an outspoken supporter for the industry, and this visit will give him a better understanding when making decisions that affect energy production. He has defended American energy on the global stage in the past, and is resolved to keep American energy at the forefront of the world moving forward. 

During the visit, he also signed four permits allowing for the expansion of pipeline and railroad infrastructure, two of which will provide for Texas crude to be exported to Mexico. These permits provide much-needed infrastructure that will allow our industry to bounce back stronger than ever and bring additional economic opportunities to our region.

I cannot overstate the importance of keeping this pro-energy President in the White House to stand up for West Texas and our way of life—and I thank him for making the trip out to the Permian Basin.

You can watch the President's remarks here, or read a full transcript here.

