Price to Run for Re-Election to The Texas House

“I am eager to continue that work and build new relationships throughout the district to better represent our shared Texas Panhandle interests."

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – AMARILLO, TEXAS – Texas State Representative Four Price announced his intention to file the necessary paperwork to seek re-election to the Texas House of Representatives (District 87).
"I am excited to formally announce my intention to seek another term in the Texas House. It’s a privilege to represent the Texas Panhandle, and I deeply appreciate the confidence the citizens of House District 87 have placed in me to effectively represent them in Austin. If voters send me back to the Texas Capitol, I will continue my commitment to improving Texas, and specifically our area, with sensible solutions to the challenges we all face.”
Representative Price brings an experienced, strong and proven voice to the legislative process. He has a long track record of legislative accomplishments for the Texas Panhandle and for the entire State of Texas.

“I’m proud that I’ve been able to play a meaningful role in passing landmark natural resource legislation, healthcare legislation, public school finance legislation, property tax reform legislation, and unprecedented border security funding in our state’s balanced budgets. Policy matters critical to Texas and to our Panhandle region will continue to be areas of priority for me.”

 In addition to the five counties within House District 87, legislation recently signed by Governor Abbott expands House District 87 to include three additional Panhandle counties (Hansford, Lipscomb and Ochiltree counties). “While serving as a state representative, I have enjoyed many opportunities to work with officials and residents of those three counties,” Price said. “I am eager to continue that work and build new relationships throughout the district to better represent our shared Texas Panhandle interests. Now, I also look forward with optimism to continuing my advocacy for the district in the 88 th Texas Legislature.”

Price, a Republican from Amarillo, Texas, serves as State Representative for House District 87 which currently includes five counties in the Texas Panhandle (Carson, Hutchinson, Moore, Potter & Sherman counties). He seeks re-election to represent House District 87 which has grown to now also include Hansford, Lipscomb and Ochiltree counties. Price currently serves on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Public Health Committee. He is also the Co-Chair of the Transition Legislative Oversight Committee (a joint House & Senate committee). He is a member of the Rural Caucus, the Manufacturing Caucus, the Tourism Caucus and the Veterans Caucus
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