Racist Joe Biden and the Black Vote

By Derek Hunter
Joe Biden is a racist. He’s always been a racist, and he always will be. 

He’s never really caught the hell he deserves for his history of racism because he’s a Democrat – George Wallace with a big, fake-toothed smile and an “aww shucks” attitude. But bigotry with a smile is still bigotry, and Biden has been marinating in it since the days when he used to let black kids pet his leg hair (his words, not mine).

From calling Barack Obama “clean and articulate,” to insisting it is impossible to go into a 7-11 in Delaware “without a slight Indian accent,” Joe has a long list of racist quotes, and that’s without even mentioning his opposition to school integration because he didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle. 

Still, Democrats insist Joe is Jerry Maguire – “I’m ‘Mr. Black People!’” Why? Why not? 

After generations of control in majority black cities across the country, nowhere is better. Hell, nowhere isn’t a place people of all colors are and wouldn’t flee if they could. Yet, no Democrat in Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, etc., runs risk of losing their jobs. Why change what you do when it works?

That seems to be the attitude of the Biden campaign – where are black people going go? To Republicans? 
Well, maybe. 

The black vote has been something Republicans have been dreaming of for a long time. But they mostly think they can never win it, so they give up before trying.

Joe Biden, however, has been singularly horrible as President that he could actually lose a large section of it, or at least inspire many black people to stay home. Either option would ruin him. 

With that in mind, the crotchety old racist’s campaign has embraced a pander tour – campaign events for black people, featuring black people, in an attempt to make Joe Biden seem acceptable to black voters.

It’s a bit odd watching the very party calling Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and Tim Scott as a “prop,” parade out every black elected official and political reverend to extol the virtues of an elderly white guy who tearfully eulogized a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klu Klan. Talk about sell-outs.

Of course, to truly sell-out you have to mean what you say, and then change. In politics, very few people mean what they say, which makes it impossible to sell anything once your soul has been purchased. 

Now, Axios reports “Biden launching new strategy to win black voters.” In it, they report, “Following a rally at Girard College, a private boarding school in Philadelphia, Biden will attend an organizing event at a local Black-owned small business, where he'll tout his administration's record on improving Black household wealth.”

He isn’t going to a public school in Philadelphia to highlight those students, but a private academy. Granted, it takes in around 300 student per year and gives them full scholarships (apparently). Think of those kids as the people who got on lifeboats as the Titanic was sinking, everyone else – most of whom are black – as steerage passengers locked below deck, sacrificed to the gods of a progressive caste structure where the government “helps” you by making sure you are trapped in failing schools in crime-ridden, economically depressed cities. 

The question isn’t why would black people be loyal to the Democratic Party, it’s why have they been?

That’s a question for the ages, and one Republicans hope ends this year.

Unfortunately, there is nothing Republicans can do to hasten the break-up of Democrats and black voters, it can only be initiated by black voters. They’ve caught Democrats cheating more times than Hillary caught Bill, and it didn’t matter. Bodies pile up in Democrat-controlled cities…and it hasn’t mattered. Generational political control and generational poverty has not mattered. But Joe Biden might.

There is something singularly awful about Biden. Honestly, he is completely devoid of redeeming qualities. His personality is condescending, his constant lying about his own life to make himself seem interesting is simply grating. He’s part of a horrible family of degenerates and junkies that he constantly cites as evidence of his character, while ignoring the existence of his youngest grandchild because his junkie son prefers to pretend she was aborted.

Joe Biden is a judgmental douche pot-stirrer who swears he just wants everyone to get along. No amount of public schooling will square saying you want to unite the country while simultaneously calling half of it Nazis. Who would want to unite with Nazis? I sure don’t, which is why I oppose Democrats. 

Joe Biden is a bad person; always has been. And he’s a racist; always has been. Will this be the year black voters recognize that fact and realize blind, slavish loyalty to the Democratic Party hasn’t protected them from problems, it caused them? 

I don’t know. The media is still very powerful, and pop culture very good at applying peer pressure. 

For most people to make the dramatic change that improves their lives, they must first hit rock bottom – things need to get so bad that you open yourself up to the possibility of the exact opposite of what you’d been doing or even considered. Polls are interesting at this point in the game, but they don’t tell you anything more than the score at halftime, and history is loaded with Super Bowl Halftime Champions who never won a ring. Time will tell if Joe Biden has made things bad enough to break the chains Democrats created to constrain the black vote. I hope so, for all our sakes.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.
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