Rasmussen Poll: Most 'Likely U.S. Voters' See Violent "Peaceful Protests" as Primarily 'Criminal in Nature'

67% rate police performance as Good or Excellent, 61% believe Violent Crime will go up in areas that "Defund the Police"

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — A new Rasmussen Poll reveals that most "Likely U.S. Voters" believe the ongoing and violent "Peaceful Protests" that's continued in cities across America for months is primarily "Criminal in Nature," and most see the Violent Protesters as Criminals. And, just 32% of "Likely U.S. Voters" believe the mob violence against police is due primarily to a legitimate outrage over the police.

Likely Voters also said in the poll that they believe the Democrat leaders in big cities like Portland and Seattle – with most reporters cheering on the protesters – are bringing the violence on themselves, and that it will only make the Criminal Justice System in America worse.
  • 70% of Minority Voters other than Blacks say the ongoing Mob Violence is largely Criminal.
  • 66% Of All Americans Oppose Reducing the Police Budget in the Community where they live.
  • 67% Rate the Performance of the Police in their community as Good or Excellent.
  • 61% Believe Violent Crime will go up in communities that "Defund the Police".
  • 57% Think it’s mostly Criminals who are taking advantage of the situation. (12% are not sure.)
  • Even among Younger Voters, 49% think that the Mob Violence taking place is "Primarily Criminal".
  • Just 21% Of Voters think Mob Violence is likely to improve Criminal Justice in America.
  • Just 20% Believe the Tactics used by their Local Police are too harsh.
Like the 2015 protests in Ferguson, Missouri following a police shooting in the summer of 2014, the current mob violence is aimed at alleged race-driven police brutality. But a surprisingly high 51% believe that the Mob Violence taking place – often referred to as "Peacefull Protests" – will actually have the affect of making Criminal Justice worse, while 17% say it will have no impact, and 12% are undecided.

Among voters who think the mob violence is primarily legitimate outrage, however, 51% say it is likely to improve the Criminal Justice situation.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of those who see the mob violence as primarily criminal say it is more likely to worsen criminal justice in America.

Those under 40 are more likely than their elders to view the ongoing mob violence as a truly legitimate outrage, but even among younger voters, a plurality (49%) thinks it’s primarily criminal instead.

While 56% of whites and 70% of other minority voters say the ongoing mob violence is largely criminal, just 37% of blacks agree. Forty-one percent (41%) of black voters say it’s mostly legitimate outrage.

Blacks are almost evenly divided over whether it will make things better or worse.

Among voters who think most police departments are too aggressive in dealing with violent protesters, 51% predict that the current mob violence will improve the criminal justice situation in America. Just eight percent (8%) of those who say most police departments are not aggressive enough, and nine percent (9%) of those who consider the police response about right, share that view.
  The national telephone and online survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted July 29-30, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points, with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

