WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Just days before Election Day, President Trump has moved to a 3% lead over Democrat Joe Biden in Arizona and Ohio, a new Rasmussen Reports Telephone & Online Survey of "Likely Voters" shows. Factor in those who haven’t made up their minds yet, but are leaning toward one candidate or the other, and Trump gains a point – taking a 49% to 45% lead.
President Trump has also moved into a 48%-45% lead over Biden in Ohio, a state that is key to his effort to win re-election.
In 2016, Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 3.5% in Arizona, carrying 48% of the state’s voters.
- 93% of Arizona voters say they’ve made up their minds whom they’re going to vote for.
- Trump has a negligible 49% to 48% advantage among this group.
- 70% have already voted.
- The Democrat nominee has a 7% lead among these voters.
- Among the 95% of voters in the state who definitely plan to vote, Trump leads 48% to 46%.
- 78% of Arizona voters who consider the economy the most important issue in the election are voting for Trump
- 29% of Arizona voters rate the economy the most important issue
- 51% of Arizona voters approve of the job Trump is doing (41% Strongly Approve,) 47% disapprove (42% Strongly)
- 25% who put the emphasis on Trump’s job performance are voting for him
- 21% say the CoronaVirus is the most important issue
- 74% of those who feel that about the CoronaVirus prefer Biden
- Public Safety – 5%
- Racial Justice – 5%
- Illegal Immigration – 5%
- National Security – 3%, and
something else – 5%
Trump is more upbeat, promising a COVID-19 vaccine soon, and most voters say they’re likely to get one.
- In Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll of 1,500 "Likely Voters," 52% now approve of President Trump’s job performance, while 47% disapprove.