SEN. PERRY: Redistricting Maps, Property Tax Relief, and More...

A breakdown of what was accomplished over 3 Special Sessions – despite Democrats walking out

State Senator Charles Perry

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – The Texas Legislature just adjourned Sine Die for the 3rd Called Special Session. So much happened over these specials sessions. New Congressional, Texas Senate, and Texas House redistricting maps were drawn and billions in border funding and property tax relief were funded. In addition, major election integrity reform and the Fair Sports for Women and Girls Act passed.

Below is a breakdown of what was accomplished over the three special sessions despite Democrats walking out. We were not able to pass everything we wanted, but as you will see below we had a number of major victories.

Below are the new Congressional, Texas Senate, and Texas House maps. If you click on a map, it will take you to a new webpage where you are able to zoom in and see more details.

Please note that district lines do not officially change until January of 2023 so your representatives will remain the same until then. However, candidates for the upcoming primary and general elections in 2022, will be running for office in the newly drawn districts.

How did my district change
I currently represent the largest geographic Senate District (SD 28) in Texas. It consists of 51 counties, over 48,000 square miles, and is larger than 107 counties and 19 U.S. states.

Senate District 28 lost 17 counties and picked up 7 counties. The biggest population shift is that Senate District 28 will now represent 100% of Taylor County and the newly added western portion of Wichita County. 

The 17 counties that were lost are Borden, Coke, Crane, Dawson, Eastland, Irion, Kimble, Mitchell, Reagan, Schleicher, Scurry, Shackelford, Stephens, Sterling, Sutton, Upton, and Ward. 

The 7 counties that were gained are:
  1. Collingsworth
  2. Donley
  3. Gray
  4. Mills
  5. San Saba
  6. Wheeler, and
  7. Wichita.
I will miss the relationships built over the last seven years in the counties I am losing. I can promise them I will proudly continue to serve these counties until the last day I represent them as their state senator. However, I am excited to begin representing these new counties when the district lines officially change.

  • Major election integrity reform
  • Fair Sports for Women and Girls Act
  • Banned Critical Race Theory
  • 13th check for retired teachers
  • Banned mail order abortion drugs
  • Stopped censorship by social media companies
  • Child abuse prevention training for students
  • Property tax relief for the elderly and people living with a disability
  • Homestead exemption increased from $25,000 to $40,000 for homeowners
  • Redrew Congressional, Texas Senate, Texas House, & State Board of
  • Education maps
  • (Federal and State Dollars Used)
  • $2 billion increase in border security funding
  • $7.2 billion to prevent Unemployment Taxes going up on businesses
  • $500 million for broadband expansion
  • $35 million for Texas state veterans homes
  • $55 million for new mental health beds for West Texas
  • $75 million for rural hospital grants
  • $1 million for the rural veterinarian grant program
  • $50 million for Texas Tech University enhancements
  • $15.5 million for the South Orient Rail Line border security rail station
  • $80 million for Texas Tech University
  • $79 million for Texas Tech University Health Science Center
  • $60 million for the Texas Tech University Health Science Center at El Paso (Dental School)
  • $36 million for Angelo State University
  • $45 million for Midwestern State University
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