Rep. Brian Harrison asks Governor for Emergency Items

With President Trump back in office and already pushing a bold, conservative agenda, Texas should be at least as bold as Washington

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Rep. Brian Harrison sent the attached letter to the Governor asking that he designates a list of items as “emergency items” so the Legislature can get to work immediately on them.  His post on the matter can be found here:

Governor Abbott:
It is an honor to serve 30 million Texans alongside you. As you are aware, the Legislature is prohibited from acting on legislation during the first 60 days of session, unless you specifically designate “emergency items.”

 With President Trump back in office and already pushing a bold, conservative agenda, Texas should be at least as bold as Washington.

In fact, Texas should be the #1 state in America for liberty!

While there are many items that deserve the Legislature’s attention this session, I am respectfully asking that you include the following in your “emergency items” list so that we can immediately get to work to make Texas the limited government, low tax, low regulation, bastion of liberty Texans deserve.
  1. PUT TAXPAYERS FIRST by establishing a path to ELIMINATE PROPERTY TAXES, ending franchise and business personal property taxes, and making all property tax hikes illegal unless voter approved.
  2. RESTORE FISCAL SANITY by cutting the bloated state budget by at least 15%, placing spending caps on local governments, capping bureaucrat salaries, requiring zero based budgeting, and ending corporate welfare and crony corporatism.
  3. MAKE TEXAS THE BEST STATE FOR EDUCATION by empowering all Texas families with school choice, forcing ISDs to prioritize teachers, stopping ISD electioneering, and ending taxpayer funded obscenity and liberal indoctrination in K-12 and public universities.
  4. SECURE THE BORDER to ensure Texas never again has to rely solely on the Federal government by creating a permanent solution like the Border Protection Unit Act.
  5. DEFEAT THE REGULATORY STATE by slashing regulations and occupational licenses, increasing oversight of executive agencies, term limiting bureaucrats and reducing their power, and ending Chevron Deference.
  6. FIGHT FEDERAL OVERREACH and PROTECT STATE SOVERIGNTY by weaning Texas off federal dollars that bring destructive regulations, stopping state agencies from deferring to federal agencies, and combating the harms caused by the 16th and 17th Amendments. 1
  7. END TAXPAYER FUNDED LOBBYING so taxpayers’ money is not weaponized against them.
  8. LIMIT EXECUTIVE “EMERGENCY POWERS” so a future Governor cannot abuse them.
  9. DEFEND MEDICAL FREEDOM and FREE MARKET HEALTHCARE by keeping decisions between doctors and patients – not bureaucrats, increasing transparency, reducing health insurance mandates and drug prices, and maximizing state control of Medicaid.
  10. STRENGTHEN ELECTION INTEGRITY and ensure non-citizens never vote in our elections.
  11. PROTECT OUR GRID and REFORM OUR ENERGY MARKET from reliance on expensive, subsidized “renewables” towards proven sources like oil, natural gas, and nuclear.
  13. PROMOTE TEXAS EXCEPTIONALISM by ending all government DEI and race-based policies.
  14. PROTECT CIVIL LIBERTIES by enacting conservative criminal justice reforms, restricting license plate readers and warrantless data collection, and ending civil asset forfeiture.
For liberty,

Brian Harrison

