Rep. Williams Fights to Protect the Unborn During COVID-19

"Taxpayer dollars should never be used for the barbaric act of abortion and I will always remain committed to protecting our nation’s most vulnerable.”

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX-25) joined his colleagues in introducing the Protecting Life in Crisis Act (H.R. 6742) to prevent federal funds allocated in COVID-19 response legislation from being used for abortions or abortion coverage. The bill extends existing Hyde Amendment protections to any coronavirus health care provisions, and prevents federal tax credits from being used to cover post-employment health care premiums (COBRA) that include abortion coverage.
“I am unapologetically pro-life and believe that every child is a precious gift from God. As Congress works to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am proud to join my colleagues in ensuring that federal funds are not used to attack innocent life,” said Congressman Williams. “The abortion-obsessed House Majority under Speaker Pelosi will use every opportunity to undermine Hyde Amendment protections, including a global health crisis. Taxpayer dollars should never be used for the barbaric act of abortion and I will always remain committed to protecting our nation’s most vulnerable.”

Congressman Williams holds an “A” rating from the Susan B. Anthony List. In the 116th Congress, he has supported the following legislation and letters:

I.    Cosponsored
  1. H.R. 616 - Life at Conception Act (Original Cosponsor)
  2. H.R. 888 - Women's Public Health and Safety Act
  3. H.R. 611 - Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act
  4. H.R 4399 - Support and Value Expectant (SAVE) Moms & Babies Act (Original         Cosponsor)
  5. H.R. 4903 - Down Syndrome Discrimination by Abortion Prohibition Act (Original Cosponsor)
  6. H.R. 20 - No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act (Original Cosponsor)
  7. H.R. 219 - No Abortion Bonds Act
  8. H.R. 296 - Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (Original Cosponsor)
  9. H.R. 369 - Defund Planned Parenthood Act (Original Cosponsor)
  10. H.R. 490 - Heartbeat Protection Act (Original Cosponsor)
  11. H.R. 784 - Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (Original Cosponsor)
  12. H.R. 833 - Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act (Original Cosponsor)
  13. H.R. 962 - Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
  14. H.R. 2010 - Second Chance at Life Act
  15. H.Res. 50 - Memorializing the unborn by lowering the United States flag to half-staff on the 22nd day of January each year
  16. H.R. 5831 - Protecting Life in Foreign Health Assistance Act of 2019 (Original Cosponsor)
  17. H.R. 6742 - Protecting Life in Crisis Act (Original Cosponsor)
II.    Letters
  1. Letter to Mr. President regarding pro-life commitment
  2. Letter to Chairman Quigley and Ranking Member Graves asking to retain all long-standing pro-life limitation amendments as bill text and include two additional riders in the FSGG appropriations bill
  3. Letter to Secretary Azar regarding the compliance with statutory program integrity requirements
  4. Letter to House Leadership regarding pro-life principles in healthcare
  5. Letter to Commissioner Sharpless regarding illegal mail-order abortion drugs
  6. Letter to OPM ending abortion subsidies in FEHB
  7. Letter to HHS to finalize the proposed rule that addresses the abortion surcharge issue
  8. Letter to Secretary Azar regarding HHS abortion surcharge
  9. Letter to HHS regarding Faith-based Adoption Providers
  10. Letter to HHS regarding abortion clinical trials
  11. Letter to President Trump thanking him for speaking at the 2020 March for Life
  12. Letter to President Trump thanking him for being an advocate for pro-life and protecting life in Global Health Assistance
  13. Letter to President Trump regarding fetal tissue research
  14. Letter to the FDA on chemical abortion
  15. Letter to exclude Planned Parenthood from Paycheck Protection Program
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