Cong. Williams Selected for Key Role, House Small Business Committee

"After decades of owning and operating a family business, I recognize the hardships felt by the thousands of small businesses across Texas. "

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Roger Williams has become a member of the House Committee on Small Business and will be essential in defending Main Street from extensive regulations and giving assistance to our nation’s small businesses.

Rep. Williams Selected for House Small Business Committee

“It’s a tremendous honor to be assigned to the Small Business Committee in the 117th Congress. The resiliency of Main Street America has been tested this past year, but with the help of the CARES Act and the most recent COVID-19 relief bill, the recovery is underway,” said Williams. “After decades of owning and operating a family business, I recognize the hardships felt by the thousands of small businesses across Texas. I look forward to bringing my private sector experience to the Small Business Committee, where I will defend capitalism and promote pro-growth policies.”
Ranking Member Blaine Luetkemeyer
“Small businesses are the backbone of this great nation, and now more than ever, our hardworking men and women must be granted the opportunity to open their doors and contribute to the economy. I am excited to welcome Congressman Roger Williams as a recommended new member of the House Committee on Small Business as I know he will be essential in defending Main Street from extensive regulations while ensuring responsible government assistance for our nation’s small businesses. As Lead Republican, I look forward to working alongside all of the members on this committee and fighting for America’s small businesses, entrepreneurs, and innovators.”
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