Righting the Chaos in an Increasingly Strange & Political World

Heres why the ideas that made America great are still applicable & beneficial to todays culture

By Annie Holmquist

Ive noticed a common theme in many conversations this last year. Theyre peppered with variations of the refrain Its strange out there."


That line is often tacked on to the end of conversations about politics culture or some news item that would have been unthinkable 10 years ago but is now commonplace.

There seems to be a mass sense that something is wrong in society but no one has any idea of where to start in righting the chaos.

Its frustrating.

Recently I stumbled on a short paragraph that provides some interesting food for thought and perhaps even a way out of the chaotic minefield that is our world.

Writing in The Roots of American Order the late Russell Kirk notes:

A principal difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution was this:

The American Revolutionaries in general held a biblical view of man and his bent toward sin while the French Revolutionaries in general attempted to substitute for the biblical understanding an optimistic doctrine of human goodness advanced by the philosophies of the rationalistic Enlightenment.

As Kirk implies this optimistic" view of man was not present in the American Revolution; instead the American Colonists held the belief that human nature is corrupt.

This led to two very different outcomes in governing styles.

The American view led to the Constitution of 1787" Kirk says.

The French view to the Terror and to a new autocracy."


However just because the American Founders based their ideas about man and government on biblical ideas doesnt mean they were establishing a theocratic form of government.

Kirk writes:

The American Constitution is a practical secular covenant drawn up by men who (with few exceptions) believed in a sacred Covenant designed to restrain the human tendencies toward violence and fraud.

The American Constitution is a fundamental law deliberately meant to place checks upon will and appetite. The French innovators would endure no such checks upon popular impulses; they ended under a far more arbitrary domination.

Contemporary America present-day America still has an optimistic doctrine of human goodness." But un-earned self-esteem and its promotion are rampant. Anything goes at least as long as those things fit within the lens of our politically correct world.

The things that dont Christianity and its positions for example are dismissed outright.

  • Could this be a major source of our present chaos?
  • Have we like the French of the Revolutionary period thrown restraint to the wind and allowed ourselves to be blown about with whatever popular whims strike societys fancy regardless of whether they are wise good or right?
  • Do we like the American Founders need to recognize that many of the ideas which made Western Civilization great are still applicable and beneficial to todays culture?

Many of us are asking how we can restore a peaceful atmosphere to our society.


Perhaps the answer is right under our nose and written into our own founding documents.

Annie Holmquist is Editor of Intellectual Takeout. She abrings 20 years of experience as a music educator and a volunteer teacher particularly with inner city children to her research and writing.

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