Texas RRC Expands Comprehensive Flaring Data, Methods for Reducing Orphaned Wells

“We continue to utilize our staff’s expertise and the agency’s technological advancements to serve Texans and their communities.”
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – “The new Monitoring & Enforcement Plan provides more information on how we plan to utilize the agency’s new technological advancements – and our staff’s expertise – to serve Texans and their communities as the Texas Oil & Gas Industry continues to be a vital element of the state and U.S. economy,” said Danny Sorrells (right,) the Texas Railroad Commission's Deputy Executive Director and Oil & Gas Director, as Commissioners approved the agency’s Fiscal Year 2025 Oil and Gas Monitoring and Enforcement Plan that includes added information to provide the public further insight on the agency’s work to protect the environment and Texans.

The annual plans define the RRC’s strategic priorities for monitoring oil and gas activities and enforcing regulations across the state. They include the agency’s extensive field operations activities such as well inspections, orphaned well pluggings, and site remediations.  
New to this year’s plan is information related to technical permitting, and RRC monitoring and enforcement activities performed by the Oil and Gas Division’s Technical Permitting & Administrative Compliance Units.

One example is the compliance team established by the division in 2023 to focus on post-permitting compliance at surface waste management facilities regulated by the Environmental Permits Section.

Also, for the first time, the RRC sought public feedback this year prior to developing the plan.

Some of that input was used to develop priorities for monitoring and enforcement efforts in the plan, including providing more comprehensive flaring data, and evaluating difference methods to reduce orphaned wells older than 20 years.

The Fiscal Year 2025 Oil & Gas Monitoring & Enforcement Plan, and a Spanish version of the plan, can be found at:


