RRC Preparations for Winter 2025

“We take every step we can to make sure gas flows to power plants and for home heating, and we want to reassure Texans that the agency takes an all-hands-on deck approach to protect residents in weather emergencies.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas For more than a month the Railroad Commission of Texas has taken important steps to help ensure adequate natural gas supply for winter weather, including this week’s wintry conditions. Starting in the first week of December, RRC’s Critical Infrastructure Division (CID) began weatherization inspections of critical natural gas facilities in the state’s electricity supply chain.

CID has conducted more than 1,200 inspections, including all of what are known as Tier One facilities which are major components of gas supply – oil and gas leases that produce more than 5 million cubic feet of gas per day, gas processing plants, underground gas storage facilities, and natural gas pipelines that directly connect to electricity generation plants.  

Natural gas that is stored underground is also an important resource that can be withdrawn and utilized during weather emergencies. There was 522,396 billion cubic feet of working natural gas in underground storage in Texas as of the end of November 2024, which is the highest monthly total in the 25 years the RRC has tracked storage volumes.

“As we have done in past cycles, we will continue to stay on top of bad winter weather with inspections and calls with oil and gas operators,” said Danny Sorrells, RRC Deputy Executive Director. “We take every step we can to make sure gas flows to power plants and for home heating, and we want to reassure Texans that the agency takes an all-hands-on deck approach to protect residents in weather emergencies.”

The RRC’s winter weatherization inspections of critical natural gas facilities last through the end of March.

