Speaker Ryan continues to make the case for tax reform most recently yesterday in Wisconsin.
The speaker first
addressed the WMC Foundations State of Wisconsin Business & Industry luncheon where he argued that a healthier and more competitive economy means more jobs and bigger paychecks for hardworking Americans.
This is about giving middle class families a tax cut this is about giving a break to middle class families and its about getting tax rates on businesses down" Speaker Ryan
I think the class warfare rhetoric especially rings hollow these days when were talking about making sense to keep businesses in Wisconsin businesses in America and lowering the tax rates on American businesses so that it pays to stay in America so that it pays to stay building things in America."
Later in the day he
toured Evonik Corp. in Janesville and met with employees about how tax reform will also save Americans money by simplifying the filing process.
We spend billions of dollars and billions of hours a year as people filling out our taxes. Its a complete waste of time and energy and money."
Speaker Ryans tax appeal in Wisconsin comes amid new projections showing how corporate tax reform alone will boost wages for average American households by thousands of dollars annually. (See
here here and
here.) This pay raise is what hardworking families can expect before factoring in cuts to individual tax rates. And that is just another way that tax reform will bring more jobs fairer taxes and bigger paychecks.
To learn more visit
speaker.gov or
watch the speakers recent address to The Heritage Foundation.