CONG. CARTER: School Security Enhancements Could Help Keep Students Safe

As a grandfather to six and the father of public school teachers, I know how important it is to keep our schools safe.

By Cong. John Carter

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – I reintroduced the School Security Enhancement Act, alongside Senator Cruz (R-TX) this week. School safety has always been one of my top priorities, and this legislation is a step forward to protect the well-being of our students and teachers in the classroom. The bill allows Student Support and Academic Enrichment block grants to be utilized for school safety infrastructure and technology.

In addition, my bill gives schools autonomy to decide how best to spend the funds on things like hiring trained officers, integrating emergency alert systems, installing reinforced doors and windows, or other security features.

As a grandfather to six and the father of public school teachers, I know how important it is to keep our schools safe.

Protecting Taxpayer Dollars and Standing for Life
Earlier this week, I joined 199 of my colleagues in sending a letter to House and Senate leadership expressing my opposition to congressional Democrats’ efforts to repeal the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment is a long standing, bipartisan provision that prohibits tax dollars from being used to fund abortions.

The amendment has been continued by every Democrat president since Jimmy Carter, but now Democrats are seeking to repeal it and force hard-working American citizens to pay for abortion procedures. I will protect the Hyde Amendment on behalf of every American who does not want to see their hard-earned tax dollars used to fund something that diminishes the inalienable right to life.

The Newest Member of Team Carter
We have a new member of the TX-31 Team! Our D.C. Office welcomed Austin this week to intern with us for the semester. Austin is a sophomore at Texas Tech University (wreck 'em!) where he studies finance and accounting. He is involved in multiple student leadership organizations and in his free time, enjoys playing golf, reading, and trying new restaurants.

To learn more about internship opportunities with my office, please click here.

What do you think? 
Last week, I asked you what issues were most important to you, and I really appreciate everyone who responded. A majority of you said that border security was your top issue, followed by Social Security and Medicare solvency, and the national debt. In addition, I read through 1,000s of responses that listed things like the COVID-19 vaccine, funding the police, election integrity, jobs, accuracy in the news, bipartisanship, and gas prices. Hearing directly from you helps me represent your beliefs in the United States House, so thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

This week's survey is on the Keystone XL Pipeline. 

In his first few days in office, President Biden issued an Executive Order that revoked the permit for the Keystone Pipeline, resulting in 1,000s of jobs lost. I want to know how you feel about President Biden’s climate related executive order, share your thoughts by contacting my office here.

 As always, thank you for taking the time to stay updated on what’s happening in Texas’ 31st Congressional District. Follow my Facebook and Twitter accounts for more updates.
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